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Thursday, November 06, 2014

Congressman-Elect Dave Brat on Obamacare: 'It's Moved to the Kitchen Table

(CNSNews.com) - Rep.-Elect Dave Brat, a free-market economist, says his message on Obamacare, the national debt, and securing the border "resonated" with Virginia Republicans on Tuesday.

"We've had a 200-year run that's made us the envy of the world," Brat said, speaking of America. "The antithesis of that is kind of the top-down central planning -- the best example is Obamacare.

"And so that system was theoretical. Now the bill is coming in everybody's mailbox. And so it's moved to the kitchen table," he told CNN Wednesday morning.

"People can't afford the mandate system, their premiums, the $5,000 deductibles. And...I ran on that -- securing the border, etcetera, and the folks are finally seeing the reality of bad decision-making, and so I think we had the wave last night for all of those reasons."



  1. I think he is spot on.

  2. Dam right roll back all welfare waste as promised disolve patriot act ..homeland security.. EPA..obamacare didnt fix anything...it needs to go.its costing me more? And i have good employer insurance .....they should have focused on tort reform ..cheaper drugs..not some socialist program


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