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Sunday, November 30, 2014

CNN: No Police in Sight As Ferguson Store Burns

CNN Correspondent Stephanie Elam reported that police officers were nowhere to be seen as looting and fires ravaged Ferguson during riots in the city on Monday.

Elam said that where she was, "we saw a good number of police officers leave the scene, take off in their cruisers, right after they left we watched a wireless store just looted."

She added that looters were "targeting different locations here." And "from where I'm standing, I don't see one police officer, it's completely just mayhem."



  1. This is what our cities would look like if these animals were to be in charge!

  2. Good for them. Let those animals burn down the city. Winter is coming, maybe they'll freeze to death!!

  3. Do you mean like the inmates running the asylum?

  4. 9:16, Didn't Mary Ashanti call it a concentration camp?

  5. Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups to burn down their own neighborhoods to prove a point, especially when that point is nonsensical and based in their inability to take responsibility for their own actions.

  6. I've been saying all along all the cops should be pulled from black neighborhoods and let them deal with the problems they themselves are responsible for creating.

  7. Isn't this the same crowd that has been vociferously complaining about police presence and a show of force in their neighborhoods?
    Maybe they (the police) were trying to prove a point: "You don't want us here? Well, here's what happens."

  8. YES, 9:40 and this is what I've been saying all along. There is no consistency within black communities. Black children get mixed messages all the time and are confused. Take Obama for instance. He's the idol of most blacks. He also lies pathologically and every single one of his policies have been massive failures. But blacks idolize him BUT then don't want their children to lie. It's mind boggling.

  9. Cops should stay out - and keep these animals in!

    They will eat their own...!

    When they're done, put the remainder in jail for killing the rest and the town can attempt to rebuild itself - with the vermin infestation gone!

  10. Don't even get me started on Mary Ashaniti. She is all that is wrong in the black communities.
    She with her victim mentality is not what anyone needs. People needs leaders with victor mentalities. Pay her no mind as she pays no mind to the real needs of black communities and is a poor leader.

  11. What ever happened to shooting looter on sight?
    The looting is taking place because they know there are no repercussions.

  12. There are no kops there because as usual they are cowards and waiting until everything dies down and people are not armed so they can't defend themselves.


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