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Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Ben Stein: 'This President Is the Most Racist President There Has Ever Been in America'

On Fox News Channel’s “America’s Election HQ” on Sunday, hosted by Shannon Bream, actor and commentator took on President Barack Obama and the notion that Republican budget cuts have been used to hurt people of color since they sometimes rely on assistance from the federal government.

Stein downplayed those cuts and explained that using them as a political tool was a means by Obama to racialize the vote.

“The [budget] cuts have been absolutely minuscule, absolutely tiny unbelievably small,” Stein said. “And much more important has been the fact the Republicans by virtue of supporting the policies that stopped the crash in 2008-2009 from being a Great Depression stopped a real economic catastrophe. The Republicans are the ones who save this economy, not the ones that ruin this economy and as I say, whatever little tiny cuts they made here or there in welfare programs -- they were tiny, absolutely tiny.”



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