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Tuesday, November 04, 2014

A vote for Larry Hogan

Here’s why I’m voting for Larry Hogan for governor.

I don’t believe that the biggest problem facing Maryland is gun control or abortion. The biggest problem facing Maryland, and its next governor, is Maryland’s stagnant economy.

Our economy is inextricably dependent upon federal government spending. For the past century Maryland has benefitted from its proximity to the nation’s capital. We’re the home of federal employees, federal defense bases, federal agencies, federal contractors, and all the industries and businesses that thrive on the federal presence.

But, thanks to the 2010 elections, that economic engine has come to a standstill. The decline of federal employment and federal spending has stalled Maryland’s economy, which will remain stalled for the next eight years. Here’s why.

The 2010 national elections gave rise to the Tea Party backlash against Obamacare, the Wall Street bailouts, the federal stimulus and the national debt. The big news was the Republican takeover of Congress. But equally important, yet underreported, were the state elections where the GOP added eight governorships, 675 legislative seats and gained full control of 25 state governments (Dems controlled only 16).

As a result, congressional redistricting following the 2010 census favored Republicans. So, until 2022, (the next congressional redistricting) look for a Congress controlled by anti-tax, anti-spending Republicans firmly entrenched in “safe seats” thanks to GOP gerrymandering.

Maryland’s Democrats and media like to pretend that our state weathered the great recession by heroically reducing spending and by “making tough choices.” But that’s not what happened. Our state government made itself whole on the backs of its taxpayers, its local governments and its future generations.


1 comment:

  1. A stagnant economy breeds crime,domestic problems,medical problems.Any sensible politician must realize this and should be the number one priority to lower taxes,stop excessive regulation and promote business growth.


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