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Sunday, November 02, 2014

A Letter To The Editor: Jimmy Sarbanes

I am writing concerning the Wicomico County judges race in the upcoming election (early voting has already commenced). As a democrat, my first inclination was to support Jimmy Sarbanes. I have great respect for much of what Senator Paul Sarbanes accomplished. 

However, knowing that what happens in the court system has everything to do with making Wicomico safer, I went to observe Judge Sarbanes in action. I was horrified by the way that he behaved. He essentially apologized to the charged offenders for the inconvenience of coming to court and was way too lenient and casual when it came to guilty verdicts. I am not about ruining the life of someone who has committed a crime as a juvenile, but the punishment for being found guilty does need to be such that it will discourage the behavior in the future. 

I left the courtroom feeling that all the good work of law enforcement and the State's attorney's office is undone by Judge Sarbanes way too often. I am making an informed decision to support Caldwell for the judgeship. I urge other voters to become well informed before casting your vote for judge based on direct knowledge of the implications of Judge Sarbanes' decisions on our broader efforts to make Wicomico a safer place to live. 


A voter who is serious about my responsibility


  1. I have to agree with this letter. As an expert witness in a recent trial in which "Judge Jimmy" was obviously serving as an apprentice judge, I was appalled at his lack of courtroom demeanor and lack of an attention span. I urge anyone that is considering voting for this Bozo to first go see him in action in the courtroom.

    You will leave with a changed mind.

  2. Caldwell is the better person for this position.

  3. I have always respected the name "Sarbanes" and would have voted for Jimmie EXCEPT for his appointment by O'M.. I can't get past that.

  4. To 8:02 - I am with you. I am so tired of hearing about the Sarbanes family Greek immigrant story that it makes me sick.

    Many US households are native born and have been here for hundreds of years. We are native born - yet no one stops to consider that we - (native born) - should have even more so right to hold office. IMHO - Sarbanes clan is out of touch.

  5. 8:06 the only "native" born were the Indians.

    Looks like you are the one who is out of touch with your archaic attitudes.

  6. Mr. Sarbanes was picked for two reasons by OMalley....his name and his liberal attitude and thinking...he will not get my vote

  7. I and others aso witnessed Judge Sarbanes being too lenient on an offender in giving a juvenile, who was found guilty of his charges; a restraining order for a year, ten hours of community service, informal visitations, and saying "Good Luck"; with not even telling him what he had done was wrong; with no apology to the offended. In leaving the court room we saw the the charged juvenile was already wearing an ankle monitor from a previous case. Mind you, I did not know who the judge was until I asked someone sitting next to me in the courtroom.

  8. Thank goodness someone(Caldwell) had the courage to challenge an appointee based only on the last name rather than ability.

  9. My understanding is that they are having a difficult time assigning cases to him, due to his lack of experience.

  10. How can anyone in their mid thirties have the wisdom required of a judge? These positions are for a lifetime, practically. He will have to retire when he's 70. His expertise & experience do NOT qualify him for this judgeship. He's been there since April this year, a governor appointed judge to fill a vacancy. Do you want his entire term to be on the job training? Not me. I'm voting for M.J. Caldwell. He's hopefully not soft on the perps.

  11. Not many people have the time to actually go and observe this man in action. It's good some have done that and are sharing it here.
    Folks should pay attention to what's being said here and decide accordingly.

  12. Some folks say he is too harsh and some too lenient. That's called being fair. You can sit in any courtroom and find the same thing. It all depends n your point of view.

  13. Sarbanes is a nice man and has a nice family but a Judge at this point is not a good idea. Also the O'Malley thing bothers me a little too due to name and the politics! MJ has things in his closet too!

  14. I'm simply concerned that a young lawyer can be appointed as a judge when he and his wife have had so many credit problems in and around SBY. His father, Tony, had to bail him out before Jimmy was appointed judge. O'M is just giving paybacks just like he did when he helped Paul Sarbanes'son John got a cushy job with the Maryland State Dept of Education. A short while later, John ran for congress. Too many Sarbanes favors!! I'm voting for MJ.

  15. 11:53 AM - I think its cute that you say Caldwell has skeletons in his closet. I would love to know what they are. please, do tell! If I don't see a response, I assume it's just pointless trolling.

    We know Jimmy's......running a gambling ring, foreclosures, etc.

    I bet he was pumped when he got this job gift wrapped to him considering he can continue to use his family name and have his career laid out for him.

    Jimmy gets juvenile cases because they don't know what else to give him. He doesn't work hard, and shows ZERO enthusiasm for his position. You should see him "greeting" voters at the Convention Center (I went to vote early Saturday). He just stands there with his hands in his pockets, not even talking to anyone. He waits until Tony's old buddies come up and Bs's with them. He doesn't tell people why he deserves their vote or even why he's the better candidate.

    TRUE STORY - I even overheard him tell a volunteer during the primaries that "if I had known I would have had to run, I wouldn't have taken the position" HUH?! ARE YOU KIDDING?!

    I'm not making this up, I was standing right there. I heard that and my head almost exploded. I was undecided heading into the primary season, but the more I have learned, the more obvious it is Caldwell is the guy. Jimmy seems nice, but there is no way in hell I want that guy behind the bench if I am ever in the courtroom.

  16. 2:02: I'm not surprised by your story at all, it is scary how believable that sounds. When it comes to talking to voters, what do you expect him to say. "I'm Jimmy, vote for me. I have less experience, less legal skills, and no time in a courtroom." His hands are tied there...The only two things he ever talks about are clerkships and judicial "temperament" The funny thing is that he actually thinks this qualifies him to be a judge! How stupid are we if we think time IN the courtroom isn't more important than judicial "temperament". When you have nothing to run on, you run on silly things like "temperament". It's actually insulting to Wicomico County that he thinks we bu this BS.

  17. 10:55, "fair/ lenient", You are confusing "fairness" with "Inexperience with no background on how to come to a proper decision". Believe me, I've seen the clown in action. He really has no clue.

    Please vote for MJ, we can't let an inexperienced kid start "on the job training" at the expense of our juries and innocent defendants.

  18. If you want to check out the stats that compare the two, go to Caldwell's FB page. He's done a great job clearly showing the differences between the two candidates.


    After looking at this, you will be hard pressed to justify a vote for Sarbanes. Also, keep in mind MJ has actually handled more than twice as many, but they aren't available in the database because he has been practicing so long!
    I don't know him personally but I am proud that one of our citizens has the guts to stand up against this crooked appointment. GO MJ!!

  19. 2:02 PM - I totally agree. It's hilarious watching Jimmy "greet" voters. He might as well not even show up and let Tony do all the work. I have never seen someone so disinterested in working hard to secure an election. Watching MJ and Jimmy talk to voters right next to each other is a serious lesson in self-confidence. Jimmy has none, MJ has all of it. I guess looking at their two resumes though, it makes sense.


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