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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

2/3 of Americans are Limiting Spending

Americans are feeling better about their finances than at any time since the Great Recession of 2007-09, but that doesn't mean they are ready to go on a spending spree.

Despite a sharp decline in layoffs since the recession and progress paying down their debt, 41 percent of Americans told researchers in a Bankrate.com survey that their top financial priority is getting caught up on bills or staying current on living expenses. Two-thirds say they are limiting spending because they haven't had a bump in pay or they need to save more.

The bitter experiences of the recession have left people preoccupied with the need to save rather than spend, and only 20 percent said they are more comfortable now with their level of saving than in the past.



  1. A good investment that you will need in short order , ammo , ammo , walmart is loaded , get while it last. Ferguson will prove you will be glad you got it.

  2. 2007/2009 my a$$ how about 2007/till at least 2016. The jobs that people get now are part time or low paying carp jobs. Don't think so go ask a recent college grad.

  3. The rest are either in the government or on the handout dole!

  4. One source tells us to spend spend spend to boost the economy.Another source tells us to save save save & establish an emergency fund.Which genius are we supposed to listen to?

  5. 6:35-what's a carp job?


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