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Sunday, October 05, 2014

Wicomico County August Jobs Numbers Just In from the US Bureau of Labor - Disappointing Jobs Numbers Again - This Makes the 20th Consecutive Monthly Decline

Today, the US Bureau of Labor  posted the August jobs numbers for our nations Counties and Cities.  According to the latest report - Wicomico's economy continues to degrade as we lost another 734 workers when compared to the same time frame - August 2013.  This makes the 20th consecutive monthly decline in overall workforce numbers - and also represents a decline in 26 of the past 32 months.  The unemployment rate also remained high and unchanged at 7.6%.

Ladies and gentlemen - this information does not bode well for the present administration as it shows that our local economy is in terrible shambles.  Moreover, for the last few months Maryland was also reported as being No. 2 in the nation for the number of foreclosures - second only to Florida.  As for economic development - it is obvious that there is none as the job numbers reveal.  And as for the current status quo leadership - they must be worried as things have not improved and this will be last jobs reporting numbers released before the November election.  THE TRUMPET HAS SOUNDED AND WE HOPE THAT THE GENERAL PUBLIC IS TUNED-IN.

Labor Force Data By County, Not Seasonally Adjusted 
01-2011 through 08-2014
Source:  Bureau of Labor Statistics
Unemploy.Change over prior 
CountyPeriodLabor ForceEmployedUnemployedRate %years 2011 - 2014
p = preliminary.SOURCE:  BLS, LAUSworkforce
r = revised1-Oct-14


  1. This is the problem when the majority party is made up of people rich enough not to care about taxes and the entitlement crowd that don't pay any taxes. They don't care whether their state government is business friendly or not.

  2. My home value dropped 10 thousand bucks last year and my Wicomico Co. taxes increased $100. That's because uneducated people vote Democrat.

  3. I live in Wicomico County and I am already looking forward to 2015 when I will take a $200,000.00 loss, in comparing what my house would have sold for in 2008 vs. 2015, leave this place in my rearview mirror and never come back! Delaware here we come and I'm bringing my money with me although I'll spend much less of it there!!!

  4. 12:58, LMAO. Uneducated moron.

  5. Who not to vote for. Do not vote for Pollitt, Laura Mitchell or Josh Hastings. They and their party and club have ruined the City of Salisbury and Wicomico County. Vote Republican.

  6. the % of unemployed is lower than 1/11 or 3/14. I put little faith in statistics. One can slant figures anyway they choose.

  7. It is obvious that the 12:44 Poster is a sycophant.

    Pollitt is surrounded by sycophants - while the whole County goes to hell in a hand basket.

  8. I am so glad that Salisbury News continues to publish this type of information. Otherwise, the average citizen would never recognize why Wicomico's economy is on life support. These numbers reveal that Pollitt has failed as the County Executive. As I scan over the job numbers I realize that the last time Wicomico had any positive job growth in our economy was in DECEMBER OF 2012. Now that is saying something.

  9. The 12:44 Posting that says to vote for Pollitt - more than likely is Pollitt himself. How anyone could brag on these numbers is ridiculous.

  10. The only industries in Wicomico are drugs, prostitution, crime, and government handouts. Other than that, that's about it. Just like yesterday when a person was pulled over at mid day by an impersonating officer just to be robbed and pistol whipped.

  11. On the positive side one can say that Pollitt doesn't have legitimate platform to stand on as these numbers suck.

  12. I am sure that Pollitt, Strausburg, Mackes & Co. were hoping that the media wouldn't notice these latest job fatalities.

    Joe, have you scanned over the numbers in this chart. They are horrible. I mean they are absolutely terrible. Especially when you factor-in population growth, it is an economic catastrophe. I cannot ever recall it being this bad and I have lived here all my life.

  13. Nothing but tumbleweed, cactus, and chicken manure. Yep that just about says it all. It's no wonder that my neighborhood is chock full of foreclosures and abandoned homes.

  14. To 3:15 Posting

    I made the same observation several years ago. If the city thinks it is going to resolve things by putting up 'Do Not Contribute to Solicitor' signs in front of Wal-Mart & Home Depot, they must be living in the cave man era. The problem with our County is that there is very little industry left. They all decided to leave and the aftermath is what is a bunch of unemployed people. And to add fuel to the fire, they imposed high impact fees on construction. Any imbecile knows that the construction industry is the first industry to lead out of a recession. In our case - it the impact fees help to throw us into a depression.

  15. Somehow I don't think our leaders understand the significance of a diversified workforce. By that I mean the leadership have really painted themselves into a corner. They were to busy trying to draw Tier maps, higher taxes, installing traffic cameras, building new schools and missed the bulls eye. I agree with most of the other posters, things are a mess in Wicomico. For that matter, the entire State of Maryland is in shambles.

  16. I remember it wasn't that long ago when Rick Pollitt went on a trade mission to Taiwan & China to promote Wicomico County. What happened? And how about O'Malley's trade mission to South America & Ireland?

    All I want to say is that 'both branches have bore little fruit' in the jobs category. I agree with one of the posters above, these jobs numbers are horrible.

  17. This is what is being reported on FOX almost every night. It is called a jobless recovery. The Feds quantitative easing only prolonged the agony of an overall chronic condition. This is happening across the nation. The State of Maryland's hostile anti-business environment just exacerbated the jobs numbers problem.

  18. Independence cards, subsidized housing, Obama care, Obama phones, why would anyone want to work.

  19. Those that are currently "serving the people" (and I use that term lightly),are starting to mount a very disappointing and sad campaign. Their flunky Prettyman is making contacts trying to discredit Bob, someone from her own party and a fellow Council member. What she apparently doesn't realize and what Strasburg, Mackes and Ricky P don't realize is that she has no clout with anyone except maybe them. If she had any class at all, she would not try to interfere in an election that she isn't a part of especially when she will be moving to Florida. It is an insult to the people she supposedly served. She has become so bitter that all she can do is be spiteful. Ricky - thought you were a better person than to sink this low.

  20. IMHO if the upcoming election is based on merits, results, and performance, we very likely to see a new County Executive come November 5th. It really boils down to how educated the electorate is on what has transpired.

  21. 5:08 Boy did you hit the nail on the head! Amazing that the longest term Republican council member is picking up her toys and moving away has decided her legacy should be that of a turncoat. Sad but true.

  22. 5:45 - she'd been a turncoat and what legacy? Bennett Middle?

  23. Stevie became the typical politician. Say and do anything to win. What is amazing is that she ran unchallenged the majority of the time and didn't have to be that way to win. Politics tests your character and she and some others have lost theirs - if they ever had any. Pollitt is apparently running on being a nice guy. You know what they say about them.

  24. Why would someone leaving the area try to dictate the outcome of an election when she won't be around for the consequences? That seems selfish and mean to me. I don't get it.

  25. The odds are against society surviving. The crime rates are up...children are dying of mystery diseases...ebola coming to a town near you very soon..and we are worried about jobs. I'm sorry to say that the masses cannot see the handwriting on the wall because they are too focused on small issues. Yes.... each issue is small...but piled together.... we are going down.

  26. As I'm sitting here reading these comments, it just flashed through my mind how refreshing it would be to have someone like Bob Culver in office. Bob is plain spoken, says what he means and owns what he says. If he has made mistakes he owns those too rather than trying to blame others. I'm really looking forward to some honest conversation and tough decision making. I think Bob will do that. The current guy has had almost 8 years and he claimed he needed the first 4 for transition to the new form of government. I find that insulting that he thinks we, the people, needed 4 years to adjust. That is just an excuse for not accomplishing anything in my book. The last almost 4 years have been laughable. Two terms is what was recommended for this position by the Committee who researched this form of government and Pollitt has had his time. It's over. Let's move on to Culver.

  27. 5:12 - couldn't agree with you more, but I have grave concerns about just how educated the electorate is. I hope that lighting up ball fields isn't viewed as major accomplishments.

  28. 6:19 PM - I am also concerned about how educated the electorate is. Based on the jobs nos., economy, taxes, one would think that Culver might be a shoe-in. I will say this, Salisbury News has published this information for several years now as I have seen these statistics many times. My only wish is that the other MSM would have exposed some of this but then again, almost all of their reporters are now gone. I agree - cutting ribbons and ground breaking newly lit ball fields is a joke in view of what is actually missing in our economy. Basically, there are simply not anything substantive happening in the economic development department.

  29. The fundamentals are all wrong here in Salisbury/Wicomico. While Norm is encouraging handouts(diparity grants)at the State level, other more populace counties (western shore) are hording our natural resources.

  30. I just hope the public is 'tune-in' also. If they are, we'll have a new chief.

  31. I think 12:58 was being sarcastic about voting for Pollitt. That's how I took it.

  32. Sorry, I meant 12:44 was being sarcastic.

  33. PRMC still adding to the unemployed!
    Still forcing folks with any age or salary out so can hire younger inexperienced workers or import them to the area and pay no benefits. Cry about lack of funds. Then turn around and announce new giant building in Ocean Pines. Proud Board members at ground breaking while good folks loose their jobs. They all should be ashamed!

  34. 9:29 AM Poster - It's like everything else in and around Wicomico, seems like if its industry related then 'they be gone'. Once the businesses realize what big targets they are, they high tail it out of here. Case-in-point, Dresser, Crown, Bayliner, Purity Bacon, Campbells Soup, NCR, and many others.

  35. 7:19 Posting - I don't blame them when you can drive 5 miles north and emerge in tax heaven. It would seem like to me that some of Maryland's politicians would try and learn a thing or two about DE.

  36. Last night I noticed the infamous panhandler was back at the corner across from the State Police barracks. I noticed several cars doling out money to him.

  37. I just looked at the chart and I noticed that the number of workers keep declining and the numbers are dramatic. Someone should contact all of the MSM networks about this as the job statistics are horrible. I would send this information on to CBS, FOX, CNN, NBC, ABC and some of the others.

  38. Joe, I have been watching these numbers on this site and I cannot understand why our leaders have not addressed them. This should be a NO.1 priority for our legislators in Annapolis and City/County officials. Yet I have not seen them take action on trying to rectify this chronic condition.

  39. To 8:26 Poster that said, 'This should be a No. 1 priority'.

    My response, their no. 1 priority is raising taxes and/or creating a whole new class of taxes. Eventually, people and especially get fed up and move. That is what your seeing by these numbers.

  40. Articles like this is a good explanation for why you can't find any democratic candidates holding stump speeches. They are afraid they might be confronted with the facts and that the public might see the correlation.

  41. Just flat out not enough opportunities in or around Wicomico. Will have to go to western shore.

  42. To 11:08 Poster - Annapolis legislators from western shore have made it that way. They gang up on our eastern shore reps and make sure that the only good jobs are the ones located in the western shore districts.

  43. We have a retail economy.

    The Fed Govt handouts are the best thing for an economy like ours. As long as the poor people have money to spend (welfare and Food Stamps) we will be alright.

    The problem may come later. If the Fed Govt can't continue to hand out money, then we will be in trouble.

    Why work until then? Why not take the free money?


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