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Friday, October 10, 2014

Whoa...What's This About EIGHT Confirmed Ebola Cases in Europe?

This bit of information was buried within a CNN article about Thomas Duncan’s death from Ebola earlier today…

Meanwhile, Frederic Vincent, a spokesman for the European Commission, told CNN on Wednesday that there have been eight confirmed cases of Ebola in European countries. There is one case in the United Kingdom that has been treated and the person has recovered; one case in France like that; two cases in Germany in which patients are receiving treatment; and three cases in Spain: two deceased Spanish missionaries and a nurse’s assistant who is being treated.

There is also a case in which a Norwegian staffer with Doctors Without Borders is being treated, he said.

Also in Spain, health officials said four more potential Ebola cases — in addition to the nurse’s assistant — are under observation.

UPDATE: Due to the fact that the CNN article above was edited to remove the section quoted, I have relinked it to a Fox8 Cleveland article which directly quotes the same CNN passage that has now been deleted. I am linking it to a cached page in case this one gets deleted too.



  1. Wonder WHO made them remove it.... Somebody is controlling the media and it looks like it is our government entities. A typical fascist reaction. Hitler could not have done it better.

  2. Expect this administration to handle the crisis with lies and cover-ups. Sort of like how the Japanese are handling Fukishima. No MSM media outlet is going to print anything that does not agree with the NWO/Obama propaganda machine. If they do it will immediately be "cleaned". Always pay attention to the very first breaking news reports, sometimes they get through before the "cleaning" process.

  3. Why do you think Obama appointed all those CZARS to his entourage??? Just like Hitler's SS enforcers.

  4. They euthanized the Spanish nurse's dog because there are too many unknowns as to whether dogs and other pets can carry and spread it. I say that would have been a damn good time to quarantine the dog and learn something about it with animals! Another opportunity missed.

    R.I.P., Excalibur.


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