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Sunday, October 05, 2014

White Lesbian Couple Sue After Becoming Pregnant With Sperm Donated By Black Man

CLEVELAND (AP) — An Ohio woman and her partner have sued a Chicago-area sperm bank after she became pregnant with sperm donated by a black man instead of a white man as she’d intended.

Jennifer Cramblett was five months pregnant and happy with her life in April 2012. She and her partner had married months earlier in New York, and within days of their nuptials she had become pregnant with donor sperm at a fertility clinic in Canton.



  1. For people who are SO loving and want others to unconditionally accept ALL I find it so disgustingly horrible that they would sue for such a thing! I mean we're all equal and to sue over such a thing as skin color? I certainly hope that the child will find a kind , loving, and nondiscriminating home. After all, they expect people to accept them and their choice of life style.

  2. A baby is a gift! She should be elated that she is given the chance to have a child! So how is suing the company going to fix the fact that your child is going to be part black? Is she willing to give up the child for adoption?

  3. Without MEN how are lesbians going to Adopt lol.

  4. Could not have happened to a nicer couple.

  5. 12:27 the lesbians are only out for themselves and only want rules of equality to apply to themselves EXCLUSIVELY.

  6. Should have used the real thing.

  7. They should not have been allowed the artificial insemination in the first place.

    They could foist their lifestyle on the children.....

  8. All lesbians and homo's will rot in Hell.

  9. 1:15-How would Coca-Cola have helped?

  10. You don't mess with mother nature. Think I heard that somewhere.

  11. My question is why has this taken two years? I can understand that the clinic needs to be held accountable for their mistake.

    This little girl is a gift. Period.

  12. IS THIS THE RACE CARD? We have it shoved down our throats daily, can't discriminate. Why are they any better than the rest of us?

  13. I am a DR and know that one cannot reveal the race or nationality of a sperm donor because of current US anti - discriminatory rules. It would have been better for her to have found an individual who would have volunteered to be a sperm donor as opposed to random selection. The selection rules are revealed in the Doctor/Patient disclosures.

  14. get what you pay for!

  15. Children are gifts from God. He planned marriage between a man and a woman and for them to be parents.

  16. I remember when it was not natural for a white woman to sleep with a black man.

    That was a long time ago.

    Now we have dogs lying with cats and sheep dating rats. Wake up folks. It is always darkest just before the sun rise.


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