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Monday, October 20, 2014

WH Press Sec: ‘Likely’ More Americans Will Get Ebola

In a White House press conference, White House press secretary Josh Earnest told reporters that the administration considered it possible, “even likely,” that more Americans would contract Ebola, especially healthcare workers from Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas.

EARNEST: The risk of a widespread outbreak of Ebola in the United States is exceedingly low. We don’t anticipate that’s going to happen. What we do anticipate is certainly possible– maybe even likely– is that some additional cases of Ebola will occur. It is possible, again, maybe even likely that there will be additional healthcare workers from this hospital in Dallas who treated Mr. Duncan who may have contracted the virus. So that’s why we are actively monitoring the health of other healthcare workers that came in contact with him.

It certainly is possible that other individuals will travel to this country that don’t exhibit symptoms in transit but after they arrive may have the virus.



  1. This guy is a total idiot he fits in with the Obozo Administration nicely.

  2. WhiteHouse first, then again he aint American.

  3. It is also "likely" that someone on a plane from Sierre Leon will bring ebola to Amerika.

  4. See they are telling you exactly what they are upto...

    there is no ebola unless it is a bio-weapon... or getting it through a vaccine...

    If not, others would have it and others would be dead by now...

  5. Obama's plan to get rid of Christians....

  6. DO NOT get the flu vaccine this year. Period.

    Take your chances with whole foods and physical fitness.

    Works for me every year, and I'm 60.


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