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Tuesday, October 28, 2014

‘Vote Flipping’ Shows Up In Early Voting In Illinois And Maryland, 2014 Voter Fraud Looms?

In the contentious 2012 election, many allegations of Voter Fraud were hurled around, and some of them turned out to be true. One of those potential issues showed up in the form of voting machines that kept switching the selected votes. The Marion Star reported on an interesting scenario in Ohio.

“Joan Stevens was one of several early voters at the polls on Monday. But when Stevens tried to cast her ballot for president, she noticed a problem. Upon selecting “Mitt Romney” on the electronic touch screen, Barack Obama’s name lit up. It took Stevens three tries before her selection was accurately recorded.”

According to CBS Chicago, voting machines are at it again, and this time the issue happened to the candidate running in the race that the votes were being recorded for. When James Moynihan went to vote last week, he was shocked to find, he voted for the other guy running. Reports suggest that “vote flipping” has affected at least five people in one county.

“Vote flipping” is the phrase given when a vote flips from one candidate or party selected to the other. In these cases, the Republican option flipped to the Democratic one. The cause of the issue of Republican votes turning blue is said to be a “calibration issue,” but Illinois is not the only state experiencing these early voting issues. According to WBALTV, complaints of “vote flipping” is plaguing several counties in Maryland.



  1. Please refer to Md as the socialist communist republic of maryland...we screw the people everyday

  2. Illinois and Maryland? No kidding...

  3. I'm probably going to cause a scene tomorrow at the Civic Center. Guiterrez needs to be there in the morning,

  4. 8:01 - Good for you. We all (Conservatives) need to make a stand and be heard.

  5. High crimes alive and well in Salisbury,MD. Democrats getting away with murder. and stealing elections. Voter fraud at its best.. Way to go Obama.


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