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Friday, October 31, 2014

Volkswagen’s New 300 MPG Car Not Allowed In America Because It Is Too Efficient

You won’t find the 300 MPG Volkswagen XL1 in an American showroom, in fact it has even been denied a tour of America because it is too efficient for the American public to be made widely aware of, and oil profits are too high in America with the status quo in place. No tour has been allowed for this car because the myth that 50 mpg is virtually impossible to obtain from even a stripped down econobox is too profitable to let go of, and when it comes to corporate oil profits, ignorance is bliss.

Years ago I had calculated that it should be possible to get a small car to exceed 100 mpg by putting parallel direct to cylinder water injectors side by side with the fuel injectors, and using the exhaust manifold to preheat the water so it would enter the cylinders as dry steam, thus providing added expansion (which drives the engine) while allowing the combustion process to proceed without reducing it’s efficiency. But I was obviously wrong with my calculations, because they were in fact over 2x conservative.

The 100 mpg carburetor was indeed a reality, and the Volkswagen XL1 proves it with only straightforward nothing special technology we have had since the 1970?s.Though the XL1 can be plugged in to deliver a 40 mile all electric drive, it does not need to be plugged in EVER to achieve 300 mpg. And it does not cheat in any way to achieve the rating, it weighs over 1,700 pounds, has normal tires, and delivers a very good driving experience with a governed top speed of 99 mph. The XL1 could reach a top speed in excess of 110 mph absent governor and turns in a 0-60 time of 11.5 seconds which is by no means leisurely for a car designed for efficiency. The XL1 in no way cheats on performance to hit it’s rating. It is simply the car we should have always had, and have had taken from us in the name of oil profits.



  1. This is what happens when corporations are people too. What happened to the free market???

  2. This article makes Full Time LIARS out your current and past federal government employees, ALL of them. Collectively they DEMAND enslavement to petro fuels and touting alternative energies are simple a ruse for small minded believers. Lobbies and big business pay politicians off every single day they collectively keep this GIGANTIC LIE afloat. It's like the Let's Be Grateful That Oil Companies Have Reduced Your Price At The Pumps To Below $3 a gallon Lie, the SOB's are in full control of ALL pricing. The minute people throughout the world STOP buying, they'll slit each others throat just as OPEC will, Even though that it will never happen, I'd love to see human beings that use petroleum just STOP. If it were only for a week, the whole house of cards would collapse within day and it would be every greedy bastard for themselves. If collusion were not in play 5 or so years ago, gas would now be just below or just above $1 a gallon today. Politicians and All Big Business are one and the same, LIARS and CROOKS in collusion. Where's that citizens mail order selective ebola when we need it? Washington D.C. would get a lot of new mail.

  3. Proof that the government does not want to be good to the environment and cares only about the money.

  4. You couldn't pay me to drive that push mower.

  5. There are several high efficiency, low environmental impact diesel engines available that are not offered in the US because of this fact. VW just barely started getting some of their diesels into the American market. There is definitely a government attempt to keep high efficiency away from the general public.

  6. Same way with the US work force.Efficiency is not allowed.No good deed goes unpunished and the more work one does the more that's expected of him/her.

  7. Holds 2 passengers and an SUV would flatten it like a bug. Starting price in Europe was $146,000. Real steal!

  8. I think the point here is that our benevolent gov't is out of control. And, as long as the puke that they regurgitate isn't challenged it's not going to change.


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