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Friday, October 10, 2014

Thank You!

Day after day we couldn't believe what we were seeing, traffic wise. Every day this week the numbers just kept rising but Wednesday was incredible and yesterday was just out of this world. 

Perhaps Rick Pollitt, Jim Mathias and Norm Conway should pay close attention because this was the biggest week we've ever seen and the last two days blew away our biggest days. 

That being said, Thank You for visiting Salisbury News. 


  1. Your welcome , the only true news available.
    Another thought , In the past few years I've noticed that they sensationalize all news even the weather , my goodness , just tell me if it's going rain , snow, the temperature and wind.
    It happens every year , summer is hot , winter is cold.

  2. 6:45, LOL, so true. Its not often we publish the weather but when we do, we're accurate.

    Thanks for visiting.


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