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Friday, October 10, 2014

Polio-like illness claims fifth life in U.S.

At least five children infected with the respiratory illness known enterovirus D68 (EV-D68) have died in the U.S. in the past month.

(Above image: a non-polio enterovirus as seen using an immunoelectron microscopic technique. Courtesy: CDC)

The lastest confirmed victim was a four-year-old New Jersey boy, Eli Waller. He died at home on September 25. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) confirmed the cause of death Friday night. But health officials say they have no idea how he contracted the virus. A health official says Eli was “asymptomatic and fine” when he went to bed but died overnight. He had no known preexisting immune weakness.

CDC Overview of EV-D68

A 10-year girl Rhode Island girl infected with EV-D68, Emily Otrando, died less than 24 hours after being rushed to the hospital with breathing problems. Three other patients with EV-D68 also died in September.

The CDC reports that in the past month and a half, at least 538 people in 43 states and the District of Columbia have become ill with EV-D68. Most of them are children and some developed limb paralysis. Polio, which can cause paralysis and death, is a type of enterovirus. EV-D68 is one of more than a hundred “non-polio” enteroviruses.



  1. welcome to hussien's third world America. May God have mercy on us.

  2. Can we please open the borders even more so we can die of Ebola, too? Hey, maybe we can find an even better disease to import!

    Stupid dumbshoot POS POTUS.

  3. I had thought that GHW Bush & GW Bush along with GHW's father Prescott Bush and Dick Cheney were the be all and end all of heinous & demonic. However, in light of Barack Obama's open borders policy virtually letting the plague bearing rats roam freely into our country seemingly without care, I have to reevaluate my feelings.

  4. The democrats are terrorists and murderers. By having this open door immigration policy, they have invited unknown, incurable diseases in our midst that are killing our children.
    O'Malley is just as guilty as well as all the MD democrats for not taking a stand when O'Malley invited them to our state. I didn't hear one democrat come out against this because they would rather see children die then offend one of their voter bases.
    The most important job of our government is to protect it's citizens and as usual the democrat policies have failed us miserably.


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