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Sunday, October 05, 2014

Obama: Mistrust Of Police Corrodes America

President Barack Obama says the widespread mistrust of law enforcement that was exposed after the fatal police shooting of an unarmed black man in Ferguson, Missouri, is corroding America, not just its black communities, and that the wariness flows from significant racial disparities in the administration of justice.

Speaking Saturday night at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s annual awards dinner, Obama said these suspicions only harm communities that need law enforcement the most.

“It makes folks who are victimized by crime and need strong policing reluctant to go to the police because they may not trust them,” he said. “And the worst part of it is it scars the hearts of our children,” leading some youngsters to unnecessarily fear people who do not look like them while leading others to constantly feel under suspicion no matter what they do.



  1. First of all, why is there a Congressional BLACK Caucus Foundation or Black Miss America or Black History Month and so on and so on? Insert white for black in all of these and see what happens. Just keep up the divisiveness!

  2. That's because him and his anti American fat wife are Muslim sympathizer and ant cop but pro getting HIGH like they did back in the 70s.

  3. He's playing the race game again. The young man had just robbed a store and assaulted the owner and then attacked a police officer. If the thug had been white you would have heard nothing about it. And he says that people fear police after he gave the police military equipment to use on the streets. This guy is a moron!

  4. "President Barack Obama says the widespread mistrust of law enforcement...that the wariness flows from significant racial disparities in the administration of justice."

    No Mr. President, the wariness comes from the Gestapo tactics employed by some Police.

  5. Mistrust of the president and the government in general is what is corroding this country.

  6. Just more race mongering..

  7. The mistrust of cops is completely warranted, period.
    If LE really did the job they are supposed to do, if LE concentrated their efforts on real crime, if LE treated the gen'l public with a modicum of respect instead of the criminal enemy, if LE used common sense and tact instead of brute militaristic force in every scenario, if LE didn't perpetually lie, lose, cover up or plant evidence, if LE.....
    Then perhaps a measure of trust could be earned back. Until LE's attitude toward the American public changes, and drastically changes, they can continue to expect their gained mistrust and derogatory facade.

  8. If you look at Michelle Obama's arm muscles, you can hardly call her fat. There are loads of other women, black and white that you can call fat, but not her.

  9. Why don't they tell the truth about that boy, he just robbed a store!

  10. What happens when the people totally mistrust their president, you POS?

  11. No, my little race baiter in chief, you are causing all the mistrust and confusion in our dear nation. You, dear Obama, have major problems and we are suffering because of it. The low info voters, dems and libs voted you in because they were fooled and didn't have a lick of common sense. BUT we know who you are and you won't fool us. Let's put blame where it belongs and try our hardest to move on.

    By the way, if you are not registered to vote and if you register for any other party than Republican this time around, YOU are no better than Obama. Smoke that one.

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    wrong 1:18

    September 28, 2014 at 4:02 PM

    From your mouth to God's ear? To you, and the other 4 year olds commenting on here: just saying something is wrong, or even correct, is not enough to make a point, or anything else.

    Having a different opinion, point of view, is fine. But you HAVE to explain what it is, so the rest of us can know what the heck you are talking about.

  13. Just keep up the divisiveness!

    September 28, 2014 at 10:22 AM

    What was the point of your comment? And what do those things you mentioned have to do with anything on this thread?

    You complain about divisiveness, yet isn't that exactly what you are doing with that irrelevant comment?

  14. 1:18 PM

    Very well said.

  15. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Why don't they tell the truth about that boy, he just robbed a store!

    September 28, 2014 at 4:24 PM

    What did they lie about, concerning that 'boy'?

    Everyone knows he stole from the store. Everyone knows he strong-armed the owner on his way out.

    Speaking of truths, when are the police going to start telling the truth?

    About this case and thousands of other cases.

    Mike Brown was STILL unarmed. Nothing he did warranted the death penalty imposed by this kop.

    This police dept. has a long history of abusing the citizens in this town/area. Mike Brown's murder was just the straw that broke this monkeys back.

    And I just know that some people are tired of hearing about Ferguson and just want to watch their shows on tv and go to bed. They think they are being inconvenienced. What may be a inconvenience to some, is a way of life for others.

  16. By the way, if you are not registered to vote and if you register for any other party than Republican this time around, YOU are no better than Obama. Smoke that one.

    September 28, 2014 at 6:25 PM

    If voting really made a difference they wouldn't let us do it. People go to the polls with the illusions that their vote matters, things will change if only they can get this person/party out of office.

    The people and parties may change after an election, BUT, the agenda remains the same and is still moving forward.

    For any real change to take place, major restructuring has to take place, in gov't., getting corporations OUT OF ANY ELECTION PROCESSES, BAN DONATIONS FROM CORP'S TO ANY CANDIDATE OR PARTY, and many more things of this nature, that I won't list right now to save space and time. I trust most of you get what I was referring to.

  17. DO NOT sit out this election season. you do this at your own peril. get out and vote in large numbers; Republican of course. those of you who continue to say voting does no good are a major part of the problem. the numbers prove this, so shut up and vote.

  18. I think the crappy race baiting media is eroding America!

  19. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    DO NOT sit out this election season. you do this at your own peril. get out and vote in large numbers; Republican of course. those of you who continue to say voting does no good are a major part of the problem. the numbers prove this, so shut up and vote.

    September 28, 2014 at 9:57 PM

    lol what peril? Dude, if voting did any good, ( maybe some on a local level), we wouldn't be jumping from one crisis to another.

    The major part of the problem is people like you who feel like pulling a lever

  20. Vote? lol! Voting is the last vestige of the illusion that regular citizens (people that work, can't pay $35,000 a plate to see a politician speak, and PAY for their house and electricity) can influence ANYTHING.
    Think for a minute. BOTH parties are corrupt, totally influenced by money (they ADMIT %80 -- 80%!!!!! -- of their time is spent trying to raise money for the NEXT election! Try THAT in the private sector.
    Has "your guy" done ANYTHING but help raise taxes, start new wars, hand out more bennies, restrict more of our freedoms, enrich himself and his family and cronies, flaunt the law, and openly lie?
    These people are the worlds biggest thieves, liars, cheats, alcoholics, pedophiles, backroom dealing, two-faced, slimy, slippery, con artists, and warmongers.
    I strongly advocate marching each and every politician, lobbyist, and judge into the street at gunpoint and hanging them all on public TV.
    Want to represent "we, the people"? THAT should be a good lesson to them and their future replacements in how NOT to "represent" us.
    Leave their bodies in place for a couple of weeks.
    Or, continue to cheer as you are taxed, fined, kept under surveillance 24/7, and your sons and daughters are sent to places like Fallujah to lose arms and legs, only to let the enemy have it back while our leaders wring their hands in despair. Cheer as the richer get ever richer and the middle class is destroyed. Cheer as prices on everything triple and quadruple. Cheer as wages stagnate while the rich say they are down to their last 25 billion and can't afford to help. Cheer as the police practice (with the military!!) lethal suppression of civil unrest (specifically targeting an AMERICAN scenario --- that means YOU, by the way). Cheer as corporations flood Congress with money to make sure they are allowed to poison, steal, and degrade without consequence. Cheer as we spend TRILLIONS of dollars we don't have and act like their won't be a future accounting (not a very pleasant one, either).
    Cheer like you are at a Hitler rally.
    It's going to turn out the same for us as it did for him, but don't let that slow you down.
    NONE of us are "secure", no matter how big your house and bank account are. When things start going bad (and they inevitably will), the only thing your checkbook might do is deflect a bullet.
    The current USA resembles a republic about as much as a tricycle resembles a Hummer.
    Entropy. Look it up.


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