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Wednesday, October 01, 2014

Obama has skipped more than HALF of his daily intel briefings -- as spies hit back after he blamed them for underestimating ISIS

President Barack Obama has skipped his in-person daily intelligence briefing on four out of every seven days of his presidency, according to a shocking report released Tuesday.

The Government Accountability Institute, previously best-known for needling members of Congress over insider-trading deals that lax laws have rendered legal, used the official White House calendar to compile a list of the days when Obama wasn't scheduled to receive a briefing.

The resulting numbers showed that he only attended the Presidential Daily Brief 42.1 per cent of the time.



  1. Get your feet off OUR desk and pay attention This is no time for relaxing

  2. Gee when is my tee time? this stuff is boring.

  3. Yeah, except Reagan did the same thing, as have many other presidents in the past. Get over it.

  4. Obama knows what is in the intel briefs before they are even written because he is the smartest man in the world.

  5. Things are going just as planned.

  6. 8:51-An enlightened comment.


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