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Monday, October 20, 2014

Michele Bachmann Given Security Detail Over ISIL Threat

Federal law enforcement officials are taking an ISIL threat against Michele Bachmann so seriously that Capitol Police have given the Minnesota Republican her own security detail.

An online threat against Bachmann emerged recently, according to multiple law enforcement officials familiar with the situation. Last week, Bachmann was provided a security detail in response, according to the sources.

Members of the U.S. Capitol Police’s Dignitary Protection Division were briefed on the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. The police security will continue until Bachmann, who will retire at the end of this Congress, is no longer in office.

A police detail of this type typically means 24-hour protection when a member of Congress is on Capitol Hill or back in the home district.



  1. Wow, I love her. I didn't know she was retiring.

  2. Kick them all out, then we won't need extra security for Michele, TSA at the airports, or a lot of the hoops we have to jump through to accommodate these savages.

  3. Utter waste of taxpayer money.

  4. Couldn't let a Michele Bachmann story slip by without saying DAMN SHE'S HOT!


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