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Friday, October 03, 2014

Michael Savage blames ‘President Obola’ for virus in U.S.

Charges open-borders policy, unwillingness to quarantine threatens nation

Ebola has now entered the U.S. because of President Obama’s open-borders policy, charged talk-radio host Michael Savage.

Savage who has a doctorate in epidemiology, said Obama refused to employ the basic epidemiological rule of quarantining a deadly virus, “because the far-left agenda is to have an open-borders policy.”

Referring to the commander in chief as “President Obola,” Savage said on his nationally syndicated show Wednesday the “only solution is zero travel in and out of West Africa for any American.”

“You let nobody in from a country where you have a raging epidemic,” he said, emphasizing “microbes do not discriminate.”

“You isolate and you quarantine an entire nation, if necessary.”

Savage addressed the argument that it’s not practical to isolate an entire country or region.

“Is it practical to risk the spread of a killer illness?” he countered.



  1. The same theory applies to our in house radical Islamist terrorist problem. Time to close down entry in the country until we can sort out who is who.

  2. A quick computer sort puts Ob' in the category of "muslim" first and "dictator second.


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