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Friday, October 10, 2014

Mathias - O'Malley Legacy


It's Your Vote - You Decide

Under the Mathias - O'Malley - Brown - Conway Administration we've seen:

▪ State spending that has increased by nearly $10 billion
▪ Over 40 consecutive taxes imposed or increased on Marylanders
▪ State Comptroller estimates property tax to rise 67% to pay off debt owed over next 5 years
▪ A rise in unemployment by 75%
▪ Over 8,000 small businesses have fled MD for other states
▪ Over 31,000 Maryland taxpayers have fled our state
▪ A failed and expensive healthcare exchange to the tune of over $200 Million wasted
▪ Maryland went from 25th to 42nd business friendly state
▪ 10 of 11 Fortune 500 companies have left MD
▪ 49th in Economic Recovery
▪ Go to: www.LiberalJim.com - to find the truth about Senator Mathias voting record.

Concern Citizens of Worcester County


  1. One of the things that bothers me is that if Senator Mathias was so against the anti gun legislation why in the heck wasn't he standing right beside Del McDermott at any of the pro gun rallies in Annapolis?
    Words are empty unless you have the passion behind those words.

  2. 9:28 - words are empty....actions are the complete teller....

    He voted against the bill....yes but he voted for it first.....if he was going to campaign as having voted against it, he should not have voted for cloture either.....!

    Democrats love to twist things around....can't get a straight answer.....nothing but lies!

  3. He will not get my vote.

  4. "actions are the complete teller...."

    Exactly 10:21. It seems to me that if you so passionate about something and your constituency finds it so important that they hire buses to take them to Annapolis then the very least you can do, is participate in their rallies along side Del McDermott.


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