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Monday, October 27, 2014

Maryland School Bans Marine Veteran Over Daughter’s Homework

La Plata High School in Charles County, Maryland sent home worksheets with students that infuriated parents. The homework? Three pages of Islamic propaganda. Then the school filed a restraining order against a US Marine veteran parent who refused to let his child participate in the assignment.

An assignment on Islam

When Kevin Wood stopped by his daughter’s room and asked how she was doing with her homework, she seemed to be hiding it from him. He took the papers and looked at them, but what he found made him livid.

Her world history class talked about Muhammad and the tenets of Islamic religion…comparing it to Christianity, but without allowing Christians to be heard. It indoctrinated the students with false ideas of Islam, and did not give them a true picture. History is literally being re-written.



  1. This should absolutely without question NOT be taught at a public school.
    There is no excuse for this ignorance. This is what Common Core teaches and another reason why every single incumbent democrat in the entire state needs to be immediately replaced with a Republican who still understands the meaning of separation of church and state.

  2. And that militant atheist organization "Freedom From Religion Foundation".. where are they?
    When will they file a complaint and threaten the school with a lawsuit like they have at so many schools and organizations where crosses and prayers have been involved?
    Deafening silence.

  3. If Christianity can not be taught in school or God is not allowed in school, then NO religion should be allowed in school!

  4. I have NEVER heard of a class assignment where students are told about Christ, the "tenets" of Christianity, or what Christ said or did.....the ALCU would be on top of that so fast, the ink wouldn't even be dry by the time the summons arrived.
    You have to really like the part where conquered people are treated with kindness and respect.
    Does indoctrination, brainwashing, and agenda ever occur to these people?
    Yes. Daily.


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