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Friday, October 03, 2014

ICYMI – NY Times Publishes Opinion Piece by Congressman Harris on NIH

Washington, D.C. – The New York Times published a piece “Young, Brilliant, and Underfunded” http://www.nytimes.com/2014/10/03/opinion/young-brilliant-and-underfunded.html?ref=opinion&_r=0 by Congressman Andy Harris, M.D., a physician and former co-investigator on NIH funded grants, on ways to prioritize young investigators at the NIH. The median age for first time recipients of R01 awards is 42 even though according to a study for NBER, the peak age of discovery is 35-39. As the Energy and Commerce Committee pursues the 21st Century Cures Initiative, Congressman Harris will be working with them to make sure young investigators are prioritized.

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