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Wednesday, October 01, 2014

I Need To Get Out More Often!

As most of you know I've been in West Ocean City for the past 4 months working my tail off. That being said, it's been quite a while since I've been out and about and last night was just wonderful.

Talk about an incredible group of people. If there's ANY group of upbeat and exciting people to surround yourself with, it's the REPUBLICANS in Worcester County. 

Last night Mike McDermott held a fundraiser at the Carousel Hotel in Ocean City. Oh, I'd guess to say there were more than 200 people there, as well as former Governor Erlich and his beautiful Bride. 

I'll simply say this. I thank you ALL for a wonderful time and it truly was a pleasure seeing all of you once again. Vote for Mike McDermott for State Senate and let's get some HONEST people representing us once again. 


  1. Good luck Mike, I'm rooting for you !!!

  2. Come on out Joe. But be careful, accidents happen.

    1. Bring it on Fool, AKA jon fats taylor.

  3. there I am in my BONGINO t-shirt!

  4. I love Del McDermott's immediate 'come out swinging' approach.
    I wasn't born yesterday so I am not ever fooled by politicians who wait around silently to see which way the wind is blowing and then cast their vote in that direction.
    Unfortunately there are people in this world (JT) who are very unaware of how politics works. It's very amazing to those of us who know the in's and out's of how things work that people are so naïve.

  5. the Blonde is gorgeous. what a good looking woman.


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