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Monday, October 20, 2014

Hogan to Brown: You do not deserve a promotion

In final debate, Brown proves he doesn't deserve promotion while Hogan promotes clear vision for Maryland

Larry Hogan articulated a clear vision for Maryland's future while Lt. Governor Anthony Brown proved he does not deserve a promotion to Maryland's highest office during the third and final gubernatorial debate taped today at Maryland Public Television studios in Baltimore.

"Lt. Governor Brown failed in his leadership of the Maryland healthcare exchange, and he failed in his leadership of the state's economic development. Maryland has lost over 8,600 small businesses, 200,000 jobs, and our economy ranks 49th out 50 states. It could not be more clear that Anthony Brown does not deserve a promotion," Hogan said.

Although Anthony Brown continued his baseless attacks against Hogan, and even went so far as to say Hogan was "rooting for Maryland's failure," Hogan ended on a positive note. "Boyd Rutherford and I want to make Maryland a place we can all be proud of... I am running for governor because I believe the average Marylander is fed up with politics as usual. On November 4, we can send a loud and clear message to Annapolis, and together we can change Maryland for the better."


  1. Sure hope so Hogan has my vote

  2. the sad reality is that most people that live in maryland are foolish and will not vote for the "clear choice"


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