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Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Hillary: "Business Does Not Create Jobs", Washington Does

We have a very serious problem with Hillary. I was asked years ago to review Hillary’s Commodity Trading to explain what went on. Effectively, they did trades and simply put winners in her account and the losers in her lawyer’s. This way she gets money that is laundered through the markets – something that would get her 25 years today.

People forget, but Hillary was really President – not Bill. Just 4 days after taking office, Hillary was given the authority to start a task force for healthcare reform. The problem was, her vision was unbelievable. The costs upon business were oppressive so much so that not even the Democrats could support her. When asked how was a small business mom and pop going to pay for healthcare she said if they could not afford it they should not be in business. From that moment on, my respect for her collapsed. She revealed herself as a real Marxist.

Now, that she can taste the power of Washington, and I dare say she will not be a yes person as Obama and Bush seem to be, therein lies the real danger. Giving her the power of dictator, which is the power of executive orders, I think I have to leave the USA just to be safe.

Hillary has stated when she ran the White House before regarding her idea of healthcare, “We can’t afford to have that money go to the private sector. The money has to go to the federal government because the federal government will spend that money better than the private sector will spend it.” When has that ever happened?

Hillary believes in government at the expense of the people. I do not say this lightly, because here she goes again. She just appeared at a Boston rally for Democrat gubernatorial candidate Martha Coakley on Friday. She was off the hook and amazingly told the crowd gathered at the Park Plaza Hotel not to listen to anybody who says that “businesses create jobs.”

“Don’t let anybody tell you it’s corporations and businesses create jobs,” Clinton said.

“You know that old theory, ‘trickle-down economics,’” she continued. “That has been tried, that has failed. It has failed rather spectacularly.”

“You know, one of the things my husband says when people say ‘Well, what did you bring to Washington,’ he said, ‘Well, I brought arithmetic,’” Hillary said.



  1. I love when idiot liberals talk about trickle down.

    What the hell do they think taxing people that work or the rich and giving that money to other people is?

  2. Government creates only government jobs. It does sometimes assist business, butbat a cost.

  3. This is the Democrats Socialistic way of thinking. The Democrats have forgotten one very important thing. They were elected to represent us, not big Government. They used to work for the taxpayers. Looks like now we work for them. For the love of God folks, vote Republican next week. We need to save America.

  4. remember Sal Alinsky commie. this is Hillary as well. stripes haven't changed.

  5. Where do you think government money comes from Hillary?The money tree?

  6. But Never Fear Hillary's Here:

    "I'm from the Government and I'm here to help".

    God Help Us All!

  7. Fool me once...shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me. NEVER voting Democratic again. Hillary go home.


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