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Wednesday, October 01, 2014

Have A Snicker Bar Honey


  1. ?????????.... don't get this one....

  2. 7:45
    Have you ever seen the snickers commercials where the people turn into something nasty because they are hungry? People also turn into animals when they drive lol

  3. Nope.. Guess I missed that commercial. Hopefully, I won't see it.

  4. Thanks for exp.---Now I understand

  5. now see I thought it was a version of road rage like I experienced this morning - they don't know what a blinker is & compounded with the idiots that think the Left hand lane was made for them while they do 10 miles under the posted speed limit

    Ah to have a cattle pusher in the front of my car

  6. On Sunday 2 separate Fed vehicles drove completely across the highway in front of the Center from the right shoulder to the Naylor Mill entrance by Burger King.Both were driving way too fast & obviously responding to some form of emergency.Niether used a blinker at any time.That's a bunch of lanes to cut across without a blinker.

  7. The biggest fans of Blinker use or maybe nonuse are the ones following a vehicle that doesn't use a blinker and the blow the horn and yell obscenities at the driver who didn't use one.

    Well guess what cupcake if you weren't falling me to close you wouldn't have had to slam on your brakes. My brake lights gave you enough warning to slow down anyway. Pay Attention MORON!!


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