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Sunday, October 12, 2014

Great Campaign Sign

While Mike McDermott's Signs continue to MYSTERIOUSLY get knocked down and all of a sudden a Mathias sign pops up in front of the knocked down McDermott Sign, (hmmmm, go figure) I truly enjoyed seeing the above sign in Worcester County.

Between our ad and these new signs, the LiberalJim.com Website hits have gone viral. Can't argue the TRUTH. 


  1. It is a great sign , however most are afraid of the truth , and won't admit they screwed up when they voted.

  2. Caldwell signs are being vandalized as well. No surprise from Jimmy I guess. Run with thugs, act like a thug.

  3. I have seen several Republican signs knocked down or moved over and Democrat signs placed right in front of them. It is from the same group and if you see Democrat signs and Republican signs in the same area chances are the Democrat didn't have permission. The Democrats I am fully aware of doing this are Norman Conway, Jim Mathias and Josh Hastings. This Hastings sign situation was proven yesterday as a separate post.

  4. Knocked down or not you still get my vote Mike.

  5. Liberal Jim's peeps get PAID to put those signs up - they even have a UNION LOL

  6. I can not in good conscience vote for any democrats this time around. They have proved to me time and time again by remaining democrats that they approve of Obama and we all know just how the lies flow out of his mouth. A better person would disassociate themselves, disown, disavow and speak out against the deceit and untruths within that party and go independent if need be.

  7. If the truth were known, candidates on both sides are putting up signs on property without permission. Many are assuming that if one Rep or Dem sign is there, they are okay to put theirs up to. Not the case! Some people (landowners) are splitting votes between Dems and Reps. Landowners are taking some of the signs down because permission wasn't given for the sign to go up in the first place. I know of several people who have called the opposing candidate to come put their sign up after taking down an unapproved sign. Don't tread on property without asking the owner!

  8. 9:30, Let me be VERY clear here. That is NOT the case with Mike McDermott. In fact, I have NOT heard of one case where a republican candidate has been challenged with doing what you suggest. If you know of one, (or more) I find it interesting you didn't mention names/locations?

  9. I should add, republicans not only don't have to stoop that low, it's not in our nature to do so. Democrats will say and do anything to win an election. Republicans like Mike McDermott do it because, (GET THIS) because he cares.

    I hear another blogger is claiming McDermott is double dipping. OMG, what an IDIOT! Jim Mathias gets a paycheck from Royal Plus and does what, NOTHING! Norm Conway has been double dipping for how long with the BOE??? Mike McDermott is a POLICE OFFICER who puts his life on the line to SERVE his community. Is that double dipping? Are we to be BULLIED by one Idiot who collects disability and allegedly extorts money from politicians if they don't advertise with him?

    Absolutely incredible. Well JT, I'll take the McDermott double dipper over your Mathias any day of the week. So will the majority of our followers.

  10. JT is clueless. Double dipping is getting 2 pay checks from the same source. Like someone collecting a military pension who then goes to work at a federal government agency. That's double dipping.
    While I expect JT to not know the true meaning I don't think many of his followers are that dumb as they seem to be hitting the dislike button on the anti Del McDermott posts in record numbers.

  11. I would like to know who these republican candidates are as well because if you are accusing them of something it would only be fair to let them respond.
    Throwing out accusations is unfair and quite frankly uncalled for.
    Please come forth with names of the candidates and locations of the unwanted/unauthorized by property owner signs.

  12. We have a rule at our small commercial condominium complex. No political signs unless all the business owners agree. If one opposes then we don't put it up.
    Well one showed up last week. Seems one of the business owners is family friends with a democrat candidate. We asked him to remove the sign and he did. While I would love to blame the candidate himself, this wasn't something he can be blamed for. I know in previous years when I went to get signs, I had to sign for them along with the location they were to be placed. At least this is the way the Worcester GOP headquarters were doing it. No one ever just put a sign on one of my properties without calling me first and asking either.


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