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Sunday, October 05, 2014

Forensic Evidence Links Hannah Graham Suspect To Murdered Virginia Tech Student Morgan Harrington

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. — The man suspected of abducting 18-year-old Hannah Graham from the Downtown Mall in Charlottesville, Virginia earlier this month is forensically linked to the 2009 disappearance of 20-year-old Virginia Tech student Morgan Harrington, sources close to the investigation confirmed to CBS 6 reporter Laura French.

Those sources indicated that forensic evidence belonging to Graham suspect Jesse Matthew Jr., matched forensic evidence collected during the Harrington investigation.

The sources would not indicate what Matthew may or may not have done with Harrington, however the sources indicated that the forensic evidence match showed Harrington had some sort of contact with Matthew the night she disappeared outside John Paul Jones arena on October 17, 2009. Her remains were found in January 2010 on an Albemarle County farm.



  1. Morgan Harrington's mother Gill, has been saying this since Hannah disappeared.

  2. Fry the bastard....wonder how many more are buried in the wilderness

  3. The brotherhood will take care of him in prison.

  4. Thank goodness for forensics.It's really making life for serial killers difficult.Jack The Ripper was a large business.Many people have made fortunes from that mystery,so obviously they didn't want to be solved.Now that it has been solved profiteers are taking the findings to court to DISPROVE the findings.Judging from their desperation the findings are entirely legit and accurate.

  5. Waterboard him then Hang him high.

  6. I hate to say it but that girl should have never been walking home alone.If one of her guy friends had walked her home that dirtbag would have never come close to her and she would still be alive.Take it to heart ladies there are a lot scumbags out there don't be stubborn,get some guy you trust to walk you to your car or home.

    1. How ABOUT putting some blame on the bar and bartenders for OVER SERVING HER.

  7. Don't try to give Furgeson a bad name!


  9. Burn him to death slowly, dying by fire is extremely painful, and just right for him!

  10. I agree with you 5:06. We have to stress to all young people esp those away from home to please watch out for each other. You add alcohol to the mix of things and tragedies like this happen.
    Morgan Harrington's family has started a foundation called "Help Save the Next Girl." There needs be a chapter started at SU since it appears the local Sby government is doing everything in their power (evening trolley) to encourage the college students to drink.

  11. Well you can bring back hanging,but i think now they will do more of what just happened. Yes let's be vigilant.

  12. If the university had not been so actively pushing down the truth that they knew they had a serial problem and knew it ...this recent abduction would have never happen. If I were the parents of the young girl I would be filing papers against the college as soon as her body is found. I know this doesn't bring back their child but maybe other colleges and college towns would not be so quick to cover up the truth about what is going on in the community. They knew they had a problem that was far greater than the disappearance of one child.


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