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Friday, October 03, 2014

Exclusive – Rand Paul: Obama 'Downplaying' Ebola Threat to America

GREENVILLE, North Carolina — Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) said he fears the rapidly escalating Ebola crisis could become a “worldwide pandemic” and criticized President Obama for failing to forcefully confront it.

“They’re downplaying and underplaying the risk of this,” Paul said in an interview with Breitbart News backstage at an event where he endorsed Rep. Walter Jones (R-NC) for re-election.

“They keep emphasizing that it’s so hard to transmit. Well if it’s so hard to transmit why are doctors getting it with masks, gloves, boots and hats—the whole works?” he asked.

“Could we have a worldwide pandemic? The Spanish flu in 1918 killed 21 million people, the plague in the 14th century killed 25 million people; I’m not saying that’s going to happen, I don’t know what’s going to happen. But I think we should have travel restrictions at this point in time coming from Africa,” Paul added.



  1. I hope and pray that Obomie gets it and dies!

  2. I hope it takes Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, Harry Reid and Hilary Clinton as well. Why not let a good disease become the disease of idiots.

  3. "Never let a good virus go to waste."


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