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Sunday, October 19, 2014

City of Salisbury Leaders Are As Nuts As Crisfield

The City of Salisbury wants to establish an alternative power source (wind or solar) to meet some of its operating energy needs and offset the charges by Delmarva Power.



  1. Yeh id hate for you eastern shore zip nuts to embrace some progress.....

  2. Campaign fodder indeed but it actually works.That is very sad,because by it working the voter mentality pokes up it's head like the turkey gobbler in Sgt York.

  3. Let me guess, right next to the failed wastewater treatment plant?

  4. 12:04 You should learn to write before you criticize others. This wouldn't be so bad IF our leaders weren't so inept. They have zero clue what they're doing, minus marketing to you and your kind, and wastefully spending money they don't have.

  5. instead of selling energy made at thebdump how about they use it

  6. They simply do not work.

  7. If they do not work, why is there so much negativity towards it from power plants?
    If each town had wind Generators where would delmarva power and friends make their billions. Mostly stock holders are screaming and so they should.

  8. Stupid.. I count innumerable places in the area that could support hydro-electric units. (That's water-powered electricity generators....).

  9. Look at who is to profit for
    this----there lies the answer
    to those who strongly support it.

  10. Martin OWEMalley's middle finger to the Eastern Shore

  11. Delmarva power does not make a cent on any type of supply. only passes through the cost and ALL THE TAXES associated with it. 25% of the bill is Delmarva (de-regulation).

  12. They should do solar cause I don't want to see a big wind turbine, in the future it would become an eyesore

  13. Need to vote in the transplants or come here's if you want common sense politics.

    1. Unfortunately it appears more and more that this area prefers the uneducated, unqualified cronies to progressive and talented people.

  14. Sounds good look for alternative ways to produce power and reduce cost. Lets get current with technology!

  15. GOT BIRD? Go to smithsonian.com they give facts on BIRD MORTALITY. I disagree with this as form of energy conservation because of the FACTS.

  16. Facts are, that neither is cost effective. why do you think that the only way to build this stuff is off taxpayer dollars? are investors buying in to this type of energy production? No? Do you think there might be a reason for that? Why? It won't make a profit is why. If it was, I'd be the first investor.

    Does anyone out there see any private investors biting at the bit and buying stocks in windmill companies" Do any Eastern Shoremen want whap whap whap whap all day long in the back yard?

    Acres of shade over cropland?


  17. Oh, as a follow up, this is brought to you by a coalition between the Democrat Mayor, and since it can only happen out in the County, Rick Pollitt has to be the big promoter of this fiasco.

    Please vote intelligently this next 3 weeks.

  18. Anonymous said...
    GOT BIRD? Go to smithsonian.com they give facts on BIRD MORTALITY. I disagree with this as form of energy conservation because of the FACTS.

    October 13, 2014 at 6:42 PM

    Um, dumb dumb I would think that if birds would run into this and kill themselves then they could run into trees and radio towers just the same.

    What about the birds that run into moving airplanes all the time? I bet there are more fatalities that way. DUH!!

  19. Tayon Wilson said...
    They should do solar cause I don't want to see a big wind turbine, in the future it would become an eyesore

    October 13, 2014 at 3:26 PM

    Oh good idea. We should do solar because YOU don't want to see it. I'm sure you will be listened to.

  20. Obviously not a scientific study, but I have been a customer of a certain #1 cell phone co for the last 10 yrs. People spoke of "lost calls" never knew what they were. Until a solar field opened up down the road (2.5 miles) from me. Now, I cannot keep a call at my home, 25 dropped calls a day. Tried everything. It started the day after field went online.

  21. Wind energy increases utility bills while decreasing neighboring property values.

  22. Um, dumb dumb I would think that if birds would run into this and kill themselves then they could run into trees and radio towers just the same.

    What about the birds that run into moving airplanes all the time? I bet there are more fatalities that way. DUH!!

    October 14, 2014 at 1:18 AM

    Hey, "dumb dumb". The last time I checked, there were no rapidly spinning blades on trees, nor on radio towers for that matter. A tiny bit of thought goes a long way. And while migratory birds such as geese are often killed by planes at mid-to-high altitude levels, wind turbines have been found to be responsible for the deaths of eagles, falcons, ospreys, and other raptor type birds.


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