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Thursday, October 02, 2014

Bush Says Some U.S. Forces Should Have Stayed in Iraq

Brian Kilmeade sat down with former President George W. Bush in Texas at a golf tournament for Wounded Warriors.

Kilmeade asked the former president for his take on some of the tough decisions facing President Obama.

As he has in the past, Bush refused to "second guess" President Obama's decisions, but noted that he was in favor of leaving behind a residual force of about 10,000-15,000 U.S. troops in Iraq.

"The president has to make the choices he thinks are important. I'm not going to second guess our president. I understand how tough the job is. To have a former president bloviating and second-guessing is, I don't think, good for the presidency or the country."



  1. My kid knows that. (8)

  2. I miss having a real president like President Bush.


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