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Sunday, October 12, 2014

Brown tells another whopper in first debate

ANNAPOLIS, MD – During the first gubernatorial debate of the general election season, which was taped this morning at WJZ Studios in Baltimore, Lt. Gov. Brown told his tallest tale yet when he accused Hogan of calling for a “$450 million cut to school construction.”

"There he goes again, confusing the facts," Hogan responded.

After the debate, Hogan refuted Brown’s latest baseless claim: “I have never called for a $450 million cut to school construction—ever,” said Hogan. “Lt. Gov. Brown cannot pull numbers out of thin air and attach my name to them. It’s just another example of how this career politician will say and do anything to get elected.”

“After eight years, it is clear Lt. Gov. Brown still does not understand the role of Maryland’s independent Office of Legislative Audits, which identifies potential for waste, fraud, and abuse in state government,” Hogan said. “The OLA has identified hundreds of millions of dollars in potential savings, which Anthony Brown has completely ignored.”

“Perhaps if Brown and O’Malley had listened to some of the suggestions of the OLA, we wouldn’t be in the mess we’re in today,” Hogan added.

Tune in to WJZ-TV (Ch. 13) or MPT at 7 p.m. this evening to watch the debate.


  1. Brown looks and sounds absurd, like he always does.

    What a loser.

  2. What did that turkey do in the army?

  3. Hogan off to very good start.

    Brown just lied about no new taxes.

  4. Hogan is whupping Brown.

  5. Hogan sounds sharp and serious, Brown is simply slinging mud and BS.

  6. Hogan just called out Brown on another big lie about cutting preK funding.

  7. Hogan is putting Brown in the liars corner on every question he answers.

  8. Hogan is against the new rain tax,but Brown supports it.

  9. Hogan is making Brown look like a liar and clown.

  10. Why would anyone vote for Brown?

  11. Brown now trying to blame Hogan for Congress.

  12. Brown is an idiot

  13. Brown will say anything to get elected.

  14. Wish I could have seen it on Directv, but not carried there or on WJZ website,

    Who do I need to pay?


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