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Friday, October 03, 2014

Baltimore Man Sentenced 48 Months For $1.2M Food Stamp Fraud

BALTIMORE (AP) — A Baltimore man has been sentenced to nearly four years in prison for defrauding the federal food stamp program of $1.2 million.

Abdo Mohamed Nagi was sentenced to 46 months in prison Wednesday and ordered to forfeit $1.2 million. He pleaded guilty to food stamp and wire fraud in July.

Prosecutors say between February 2011 and May 2013, Nagi cashed in the food stamp benefits of his customers at his convenience store. Prosecutors say Nagi would keep half the cash and the people who brought in food stamp cards would keep the rest.



  1. That's it? 48 months? What's that equate to since MD isn't a truth in sentencing state?
    This is what is important and not wind farms and same sex marriage that the democrat smucks in power focus on because they are too GD dumb to come up with solutions to the real problems this state faces.
    Anyone who votes democrat come this next election is a complete and utter fool.

  2. 4 years in a hotel, which he will get out in less than 2... going right back to his fraud.

  3. Plenty more out there.

  4. How about deporting the illegal Muslim to the firing line.


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