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Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Antares Rocket Explodes When Lifting Off

watch live HERE

Many residents of the Shore have jobs associated with the space flight facility on Wallops Island. Tonight was supposed to be the first night launch of a rocket from NASA's Wallops Flight Facility. I'm disappointed the launch was not successful, but I have confidence that Wallops will continue to grow and be a pivotal player in NASA sponsored space flight. For those who want to see what happened, here is a video:


  1. Last evening on this web site there was a comment which I thought at the time was a terrible thing to say. Tonight, I know it was. The person who was disappointed (I assume)they he/she wouldn't be able to see the launch because of the postponement yesterday. The comment was he/she hoped it would blow up tonight because he/she would not be able to view it at all. What a crazy thing to say.
    I wonder how that person feels tonight. Thank God, no loss of life. But think of the financial lost and problems for the ISS.

  2. Is it true a Russian company builds the rocket?

  3. No 7:19, It's Orbital Sciences Corp headquartered in Dulles VA.
    Their products include-
    Space Launch Vehicles, Missile Defense Systems, Satellites and Related Systems, Advanced Space Systems, Space Technical Services.

  4. no, the Russians are sending their own rocket up in a couple days

  5. loss, not lost, but I agree, 709. Some people think it's just a free show put on just for them. Takers is all they are.

  6. Yes the rockets are from 1960s Russia. They were not built by us. Anyone who says different is wrong. I am at Dulles.

  7. This was not the first night launch for the rocket. The first Antares launch to the space station was at night.


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