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Wednesday, October 01, 2014

Air drop blunder sees water, food and ammunition delivered to ISIS militants by mistake

Blundering Iraqi air force pilots gave vital supplies of food, water and ammunition to Islamic State militants instead of their own beleaguered troops.

The aid drops were meant to help Iraqi soldiers desperately fending off jihadist fighters near Saqlawia in the western province of Anbar.

Hakim Al-Zamili, an Iraqi MP who is a member of the security and defense committee, said the mistake had effectively allowed ISIS to kill off its besieged soldiers.



  1. THANX for the grub obamie.

  2. you sure it was a mistake?

  3. Exactly 10:15AM
    I, too, am skeptical over this 'mistake'. This administration/gov't has lied so damn much that whenever it says anything I invoke "The Little Boy That Cried Wolf" fable.

    1. Our Muslim sympathizer president. Feeding his PEEPS,

  4. ISIS is fighting with American weapons we gave the "rebels" in Syria.

    They were sitting ducks in those giant convoys driving in to Iraq. Remember the "Highway to Hell" from the first Gulf War?

    Now that we're doing air strikes, they're still advancing on Baghdad. Are you saying the world's greatest airforce can't take out an insurgent group?

    None of this seems like a mistake at all.

  5. Remember Obama made certain weapons obsolete because they were to harmful to the terrorists - Cluster bombs for one example

  6. Mistake, I think not. The gov't can track your cell phone. You think they missed the drop zone with weapons?


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