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Sunday, October 12, 2014

A Letter To The Editor: Conway - Anderton debate


Today I watched Mayor Carl Anderton thoroughly debunk the myth that Delegate Conway has been a good representative for our area. The differences between the two were stark. Anderton offered details. He gave the audience accurate unemployment numbers for both Wicomico County and the Salisbury area. He gave two different job creation initiatives. He talked about how Conway goes along with budget increases, new taxes, increasing old taxes, the rain tax. I learned that the state has raises $9 billion in new taxes but turned around and spent $10 billion. How in the world do you increase spending by $9 billion and still run a structural deficit? And if Norm is so powerful in Annapolis, why didn't he stop any of this? Where is his power? Sounds like a crock to me.

Back to the debate. Why did Anderton offer two job creation plans?

Because he’s a smart enough leader to know that it doesn’t matter how good the plan is, if the Governor vetoes it. So he had a plan designed for a Hogan administration and a plan designed for a Brown administration. To me, that shows great foresight. Conway had no answer. Why didn't the Daily Times print this?

What did Conway offer?

He read from a prepared statement. Delegate Conway should thank his lucky stars that there was no Q&A portion, because Anderton was obviously knowledgeable and had a grasp of all the issues with data to back it up. However, I did learn that Conway was a lifelong resident of the eastern shore (so is Carl) and that he was friends with many fine people who are no longer in public service. That was about it. Norm’s argument seemed to be that people should vote for him because he’s an incumbent. He offered zero in plans to help create jobs. Zero details on how to curb spending. Zero details on taxes. Zero defense of raising taxes on people during the worst economic environment since the great depression. All he had was stories. I was shocked, disappointed and a bit angry. Who could possibly vote for that his non-platform or his record of tax and fee increases and job killing policies?

What else did Mayor Anderton offer?

His personal cell phone number, while Norm Conway said that email was “the wave of the future” (even Jeremy Cox’s slanted article couldn’t resist mentioning that ridiculous statement). Carl is the rare public servant that puts his personal cell phone number on every piece of literature he hands out. If Conway thinks email is “the wave of the future” I’m not sure he even has a cell phone. Conway also said that he talked to the Montgomery County delegation meeting and said he wanted to the eastern shore to be a part of the "silicone valley of the east".

How do you suppose a delegate who believes that email is "the waive of the future" will bring tech jobs?

In addition, Carl is responsive to the residents of Delmar and if anyone has a problem they can and do call him directly. You don’t have to email a generic email address and get a form letter back from a staffer. You don’t have to call a person in his office and wait for a response. While Jim Perdue recently made news wondering why the poultry industry doesn’t have a “seat at the table” I wonder why Norm Conway has never given the residents of Wicomico County a seat at the table!

This is my takeaway:

Delegate Norm Conway is living in the past, has no plan to create a better future for the eastern shore and could never be counted on to bring tech jobs to the area.

Mayor Anderton is passionate about being our representative, is engaged, engaging, knowledgeable, and has a plan to bring sorely needed jobs to our area.

I’m voting for Mayor Carl Anderton and I hope your readers will as well.


  1. Bravo..he has my vote...out with the trash same old same old democrat libtarded policy has not worked ..NORMY you nothing but a useful idiot shafting us hard working marylanders every chance you can

  2. Norman got spanked this morning and it wasn't by Jan.

  3. Was that Stevie Prettyman I saw this morning hanging out with Norman at the debate? Well it wasn't much of a debate.

  4. Time for some new blood.

  5. Time for the people to payback ole Norm for all of evil doings.

    He has pick-pocketed to many of Wicomico's citizens for far to long.

  6. Norm is a perfect example as to why there should be term limits. Career politicians eventually become corrupt.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. This is an excellent post. It is a pleasure to read credible comparisons of the candidates, by a persons who actually viewed the debate.

    Many times comments on a blog, are for the sole purpose of trashing a candidate and has nothing to do with ability of the candidate. I do not take seriously any comment that has the appearance of a smear campaign. IMO this type of comment is generally made by persons who's opinion is hatred, supported by pretend "I heards" instead of facts.

    The writer of this letter did a great job, and did not use smear tactics when giving his opinions and comparisons. IMO Mr Anderton will gain more votes from this one well written letter, than all the disgusting comments made on this blog against Conway during the election season.

  9. What a CONVENIENCE that Norm Conway gets spanked and PAC 14 mysteriously had technical difficulties and can't produce the video of the event.

    What I find even stranger is the comment someone sent in stating they watched it live on PAC 14 and now it's disappeared.

  10. This is a great post! I just hope everyone is reading it.

  11. I'm a registered Republican and for many years voted for Norm. I actually attended fund raisers for him in Willards. But the tax and spend mentality of the Democrats has gotten out of hand. Obama is a coward and liar and all the Maryland Democrats who hung on to his shirt tail are going down. It's time for liberalism to take a back seat to common sense.

  12. Out with Conway!! He has double dipped long enough!!

  13. 8:49pm Joe: Yes I am disappointed I won't be able to watch this on PAC 14 & I do understand why I can't. I was there today and noticed Greg Belcher was recording it for PAC 14 and he was having a lot of problems recording it. My guess is somehow it didn't get recorded properly so there's no mystery there. I really did want to see it again. Oh well.

  14. Lets not fail to vote for Bob Culver and the Rep. candidates for Wicomico County Council -- Joe Holloway, Larry Dodd, John Cannon, Marc Kilmer and Matt Holloway.

  15. Joe,

    Please. My number at PAC 14 is 410-543-6041. i would be glad to answer all your questions at your CONVENIENCE. the volunteer we had covering the debate tried his best... we will be happy to air the video anyone else has... yours, the anonymous posters who claim conspiracy, anyone's things happen. your suspicions and inuendos are disappointing and show a lack of journalistic integrity on this issue.

    tom taylor
    pac 14

  16. Anderton got my vote.

  17. Anonymous tom taylor said...

    Please. My number at PAC 14 is 410-543-6041. i would be glad to answer all your questions at your CONVENIENCE. the volunteer we had covering the debate tried his best... we will be happy to air the video anyone else has... yours, the anonymous posters who claim conspiracy, anyone's things happen. your suspicions and inuendos are disappointing and show a lack of journalistic integrity on this issue.

    tom taylor
    pac 14

    October 10, 2014 at 8:23 AM

    Why don't you give him your cell number? Carl Anderton does.

  18. Anonymous said...
    Lets not fail to vote for Bob Culver and the Rep. candidates for Wicomico County Council -- Joe Holloway, Larry Dodd, John Cannon, Marc Kilmer and Matt Holloway.

    October 10, 2014 at 8:20 AM

    I agree! Vote Republican.

    Rick Pollitt, Laura Mitchell and Josh Hastings are a dangerous combination for Wicomico County.

  19. Tom Taylor,
    I would call it incompetence and a failure to execute on the one item that you are here to do. No conspiracies just incompetence. However thank you for offering to discuss this with Joe and not passing the buck. Then you have to attack his journalistic integrity? Joe might seem like a prick if you are standing on the wrong side of the aisle but I would say that is more an issue with your perspective. The people of this area appreciate what Joe does.

  20. OK, it's been a very busy morning but I need to take a moment and put this out there.

    Have ANY of you ever seen a FORUM/DEBATE involving Barrie Tilghman, Rick Pollitt or other Liberals experience technical difficulties?

    No conspiracy, just an honest question.

    I know when I was in the Christmas Parade, (Salisbury News) funny how hundreds of people in the parade were recorded but some how, some way, Salisbury News experienced "technical difficulty" and was erased from the show.

    Follow the elected officials and the "D" or "R".

    Tom is a good guy, I agree. So is Rick Pollitt. Heck, so is Martin O'Malley, (if you actually get to know him). Do I agree with their politics, absolutely not.

  21. @Tom Taylor you clearly posted this comment on the post concerning Royal Farms turning against Jim Mathias : we at PAC 14, the place where you are getting your anderton and mcdermott videos, take umbrage to the remark that only sbynews covers local politics. PAC 14 is your source for video...


    tom taylor

    October 9, 2014 at 1:12 PM

    Well it would appear that PAC 14 and your bragging about being the source for video has FAILED miserably! Maybe you shouldn't TOOT your own horn until you are positive that YOU CAN PRODUCE THE RESULTS YOU PROMISE - LIKE JOE DOES HERE EVERYDAY!!!!!!

  22. Wow. At the risk of teeing off an anonymous poster who is hyped up on hyperbole, i never bragged, just pointed out that joe was using video from our website as HIS source of video. i never promised an anderton/conway debate, a volunteer offered to tape. we could not make the event. we have 20 candidate interviews up on youtube for all to see. no one saw the anderton/conway "debate" on PAC 14, there is no video available or it would be playing.
    mistakes are made, we try to minimize them... they appear on all sides of the political spectrum...

  23. tom taylor said...
    Wow. At the risk of teeing off an anonymous poster who is hyped up on hyperbole, i never bragged, just pointed out that joe was using video from our website as HIS source of video. i never promised an anderton/conway debate, a volunteer offered to tape. we could not make the event. we have 20 candidate interviews up on youtube for all to see. no one saw the anderton/conway "debate" on PAC 14, there is no video available or it would be playing.
    mistakes are made, we try to minimize them... they appear on all sides of the political spectrum...

    October 10, 2014 at 10:15 AM

    What happened to Plan B? This is one of the most important seats in the State of Maryland and PAC 14 should have been all over it. Since you are the spokesperson for PAC 14 YOU failed the citizens of Wicomico County. I love how you try to use big words in a sentence then you fail again with poor grammar.

  24. Anonymous tom taylor said...
    Wow. At the risk of teeing off an anonymous poster who is hyped up on hyperbole, i never bragged, just pointed out that joe was using video from our website as HIS source of video. i never promised an anderton/conway debate, a volunteer offered to tape. we could not make the event. we have 20 candidate interviews up on youtube for all to see. no one saw the anderton/conway "debate" on PAC 14, there is no video available or it would be playing.
    mistakes are made, we try to minimize them... they appear on all sides of the political spectrum...

    October 10, 2014 at 10:15 AM

    definition of hyperbole is the use of exaggeration as a rhetorical device or figure of speech. It may be used to evoke strong feelings or to create a strong impression, but is not meant to be taken literally! Are you sir trying to infer that we should not take anything you say at face value?

  25. I am not a big fan of Carl Anderton, but he is a Republican and I am voting strictly down the party line this year and I encourage everyone to vote Republican.

  26. Never hear of politicians who actually put people first. Ive heard Carl speak a few times during the campaign and he truly seems sincere and really wants to help us in Annapolis, Im voting to give him a chance. Gotta shake it up same old stuff doesnt work anymore.

  27. Well you know,these readers say one thing and do something else.Sometimes I'd like to shake some sense into local voters,but that's not likely to happen when they've been stupid all of these years.We'll see.No one would love to see the ignorant masses change their thought process more than I.Anything is possible.Please please fool me.

  28. Tom Taylor says-
    "i never promised an anderton/conway debate, a volunteer offered to tape. we could not make the event"

    Wow-One of the most important debates in the area and PAC 14 couldn't make it and had to rely on a volunteer to record?
    Whomever is calling the shots over at PAC 14 leaves a lot to be desired. Tom Taylor you should be embarrassed to lend your name to such a fly by night operation you got going on over there.
    You all are inept and incompetent.


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