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Wednesday, October 01, 2014

52% of World's Wildlife Gone over Last 40 Years

The world populations of fish, birds, mammals, amphibians and reptiles fell overall by 52 percent between 1970 and 2010, far faster than previously thought, the World Wildlife Fund said on Tuesday.

The conservation group's Living Planet Report, published every two years, said humankind's demands were now 50 percent more than nature can bear, with trees being felled, groundwater pumped and carbon dioxide emitted faster than Earth can recover.

"This damage is not inevitable but a consequence of the way we choose to live," Ken Norris, Director of Science at the Zoological Society of London, said in a statement.

However, there was still hope if politicians and businesses took the right action to protect nature, the report said.



  1. why don't they start the healing process by eliminating themselves?

  2. Just like the "poor little polar bear" drifting off to sea on a piece of ice...
    Look out..here comes the environmental whacko's for your $

  3. Meanwhile, the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere and the earth itself has not changed one bit in the last 18 years, and the ratio of oxygen/ nitrogen/ and carbon dioxide in the air remains stable as well.

    Explain that.

  4. Agenda 21 will fix all these problems, by forcing people to leave the countryside and move into urban areas. Control the population by force birth control and licensing. Get rid of cars in favor of public transportation and bicycling. Buffer zones or non human habitation zones will be set up and only allow by controlled access. This is not a joke or conspiracy theory. Governments around the world are planning this now. Key words locally are Smart growth, planned development!

  5. The Human Race is Next. They have tried Wars / Drugs / Cancer / Aids / and now this with all the Illegals coming across the border with all their germs and now this Ebola outbreak with get larger in time and who knows once the terrorist get here along with ebola then bye bye..

  6. I love it. Commenters so far don't seem to care about this but just mention a wind turbine and everyone's all a twitter about the poor little birdies. Such hypocrisy.

  7. Don't know if you could assemble a brain from all these commentors combined. "Global warming" may be hysterics. The mass extinction we are perpetuating is not. Whether you care or not, it isn't some "lib-tard" propaganda. It's called science.

  8. Bravo 2:57!

    Folks, this is not b.s. We screw up the plants and animals bad enough, and we have, guess what happens to US? Quit making this about ideologies and parties and blah de blah blah blah. Just read the stats and science.

    You flip out over Ebola, but not THIS? Seriously?

  9. Quit building all them town houses and section 8 housing for illegals

  10. I'll have to agree with some of the earlier comments. This truly is something noteworthy and alarming yet, I don't adhere to "global warming" as the cause. Possibly not even connected at all.
    Human encroachment on the animal's habitat is where I see wildlife loss coming from. Burning the Amazon, housing developments, damming rivers, terrestrial pollution, deforestation etc, etc.


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