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Friday, October 17, 2014

2014 Wicomico County Vision Action Report

On Thursday, October 16th, Wicomico County Executive Rick Pollitt and members of the Wicomico County Vision Action Team -- including stakeholders from Business, Academia, Local Government and Non-Government Organizations -- announced progress from a year and half-long initiative that brought community leaders together to develop on-going strategies and action items to serve as a comprehensive vision for Wicomico County.

County Executive Rick Pollitt identified the need for our unified effort to build upon the vision and common themes presented in various reports by taking the next step to develop goals and strategic action steps to accomplish those goals. At the press conference Vision Action Team members presented successes already realized as a result of sub-group initiatives under City/County Synergy, Education, Economic Development, Transportation, Watershed Improvement, Agriculture and Healthy Communities.

The 2014 Wicomico County Vision Action Report can be found on the county's website under the Transparency Portal.


  1. Ok then. What is the vision created from the results of the "sub-group". More smoke up our butts. The entire statement says nothing.

  2. Joe,the farm on Snow Hill Road next to Marley Manor has a commercial for sale sign on it.Heard anything about this and I hope the county plans on making the road wider if so.

  3. Ricky has had no vision for the last eight years so who gives a crap what he had these fools present. The joke is on them.

  4. It was a parade of Ricky/Strasberg suck ups and those who control them. Matt Holloway is no Republican. He is a traitor to his party and is under the web of Strasberg. IF he wins, someone else needs to be president of council. Going along with the administration doesn't make you a statesman, it makes you a fool.

  5. Rick is a laugh but with a $85,000 price tag. Pretty expensive don't you think.

  6. Once Bob gets in this committee can be abolished and a real committee can be formed.

  7. Funny how this Vision Action Committee comes out just in time for the election to make Rick look like he has done something for the last 8 years. Voters are clueless and fall for this shit especially after they read it in the Daily Douche.


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