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Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Yet Another Problem: Prescribed Statins Linked to Thyroid Cancer

Study find increased risk of thyroid cancer in women

Many prescriptions drugs can cause alternate problems when trying to cure the original issue – a huge, well-known issue of prescription drugs. Now, a new study published in the journal Clinical Epidemiology adds to this notion, finding that statins, commonly prescribed to lower cholesterol, are associated with an increased risk of thyroid cancer in women.

Researchers suggest that statins, when in the presence of a female dominant hormone called – a form of estrogen, become ineffective at exhibiting long term ‘cancer-protective properties’ as studies suggest they do. In fact, the drugs are linked to an increased chance of thyroid cancer in women.

Yet another study published in the same journal suggests that the problem lies in the immunosuppressive properties of the statin drugs themselves. There are at least 25 different immuno-toxic properties of statins. You can view them all listed under the ‘Adverse Pharmacological Actions’ here.

The stain industry is heavily invested in promoting their drugs. A single pharmaceutical company, Pfizer, has reported sales of $12.4 billion just for statins. So you can understand why they would not want this news to become widely spread, especially since they have promoted statins as anti-cancer agents.


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