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Tuesday, September 02, 2014

Would it Kill You to Hire More Black Cops? (Yes)

As the story of Ferguson, Missouri, police officer Darren Wilson's shooting of Michael Brown begins to look less clear-cut than we were led to believe by Brown's friend, Dorian Johnson, the "voices of oppression" on MSNBC now say the real issue is that there aren't enough blacks on the Ferguson police force.

As Brown may or may not have said seconds before his death: I give up.

If the Ferguson police are forced to hire more minorities and women for the sake of diversity, the one thing we can be sure of is that more black people will be murdered, raped and assaulted.

Someone's got to say it, so it might as well be me: I'm against more black people being murdered, raped and assaulted.

In a massive, detailed 2000 study of the effect of court-ordered affirmative action plans on police departments, economist John Lott found that the more minorities on a police force, the higher the rates of murder, manslaughter, violent crime, robbery and aggravated assault will be. Violent crime increased by a minimum of 3.3 percent every year after affirmative action policies went into effect -- and the spike in crime was highest in black neighborhoods.

The problem was not with black cops, Lott's study showed, but rather with the lowering of standards across the board, resulting in less-qualified officers of every race. To get more of MSNBC's "voices of oppression" on police forces, requirements are reduced for all recruits. (Just as quality declined at MSNBC when "voices of oppression" had to be added to their lineup.)



  1. If you hire more (insert minority name here) just to increase diversity, you will sacrifice the quality that was previously inherent in the potential and capabilities of the truly qualified candidates. Just look at our government jobs programs and their quotas for minorities - and see the abundance of ineptness, incompetence, and lack of functional successes.

    Aside from the fact that in this case if you empower someone that has their own agenda - you will be forcing inappropriate activity where safety and security is paramount!

  2. YES; if they're not qualified...

  3. Look at social security agency, department of social services etc, primarily black and know for incompetence, waste and laziness.


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