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Sunday, September 21, 2014


Starting the day with a healthy breakfast has the power to unlock a brighter future for our students, because breakfast fuels academic success. Students who eat a healthy breakfast at school do better in math, have higher attendance rates, and are more likely to graduate than students who do not eat breakfast.

Wicomico County Public Schools are joining the charge to make sure all kids have the chance to start their day with a healthy breakfast by becoming part of the Maryland School Breakfast Challenge, which kicks off statewide Sept. 19 and continues through the end of October. The goal: to boost participation during the 2014-2015 school year in the school breakfast program. In Wicomico, the goals include increasing breakfast participation for all students, but particularly for the 60% of Wicomico students who qualify for free and reduced meals and eat lunch but may not be eating breakfast at school, or at all.

Wicomico County Public Schools and the students and staff of Westside Intermediate welcomed parents and many community supporters Friday, Sept. 19 for the School Breakfast Challenge kickoff, at the end of which each guest was invited to join a student to “Grab & Go” for breakfast in the classroom. The hallways outside the cafeteria were decorated with students' illustrations of starting the day with a healthy breakfast.



  1. I have no problem feeding a HUNGRY child breakfast and lunch. HOWEVER, REDUCE their food stamp income every month. IT'S ONE OR THE OTHER.

  2. Joe unfortunately the extra money the entitlement leaches save by getting the free breakfast will now towards alcohol and cigarets for lazy ass adults who refuse to work.

  3. Blogger JoeAlbero said...
    I have no problem feeding a HUNGRY child breakfast and lunch. HOWEVER, REDUCE their food stamp income every month. IT'S ONE OR THE OTHER.

    September 19, 2014 at 4:09 PM

    That is exactly what I was going to say. I personally don't think it's our responsibility to feed someone elses kids, but their welfare and food stamps need to be reduced.

  4. What Board of Education members were there to support the free food thugs?

  5. Why should the money not be deducted from food stamp allotments if the kids are getting free breakfasts and lunches at school? Taxpayers are willing to pay for the meals once but not twice. Even for the entitled, that's a big much.

  6. I loathe this breakfast in the classrooms. My kids eat at a table, where it can be cleaned off afterwards. Since they don't allow clorox wipes in the classrooms, how are they cleaning the desks???

    I also don't think it is all that healthy. Sticky buns? French toast sticks infused with syrup?

    What happens to the good left in the cooler? Do they throw it away?

  7. Why would kids ever think they need to get jobs to support themselves when they grow up? Working and paying taxes is for chumps. Feed the kids at school, deduct it from food stamps. Three kids in school, fifteen breakfasts and fifteen lunches per week deducted. How is that unfair?

  8. Anonymous said...
    Why should the money not be deducted from food stamp allotments if the kids are getting free breakfasts and lunches at school? Taxpayers are willing to pay for the meals once but not twice. Even for the entitled, that's a big much.

    September 19, 2014 at 5:54 PM

    WTF makes you think that taxpayers are willing to pay for the meals? Have you lost your freaking mind!! You have no right to speak on our behalf, only your behalf.

    If you can't feed 'em then don't breed 'em.

  9. Anonymous said...
    Why would kids ever think they need to get jobs to support themselves when they grow up? Working and paying taxes is for chumps. Feed the kids at school, deduct it from food stamps. Three kids in school, fifteen breakfasts and fifteen lunches per week deducted. How is that unfair?

    September 19, 2014 at 10:16 PM

    What's your point? I guess you are a liberal Moron. Please explain your comment before we judge you.

    BTW free food to anyone at my expense is unfair to me and my kids.

  10. How about feed them at home before they go to school

  11. This is the crap that really pisses me off. Wasteful spending. So now unless they eat a balanced meal they won't educate properly? How about the parents start being parents?...oh that's right...gov will take care of you at my expense! Our society is in a state of collapse if you haven't noticed.

  12. I supply enough to there homes why do I have to do it at school ? When my cupboard is empty and there's are full and I'm the only one working something is very wrong.

  13. I would love to see a post encouraging everyone who has never received any form of entitlement whatsoever to chime in.No unemployment,no welfare of any kind,etc.I believe there are plenty of people out there who have never depended on the government for anything in their entire lives.Those who are entirely self sufficient need to be commended.

  14. When will we STOP rewarding people for bad behavior. If the child is getting a free breakfast and lunch at school they should have their food stamp amount cut. There shouldn't even be a choice. When people that do nothing eat better than the people that are busting their butts something needs to be done. Reward people for hard work NOT being lazy.

  15. I heard one person complain that she needed MORE foodstamps because when school was out, she had to feed them breakfast AND lunch as well as dinner! I was thinking, Do your kids just get dinner on week nights and weekends at home? Do they even feed them 3 meals a day during those times that schools are closed or on weekends??? How about when the kids are ill and have to stay home? Heaven forbid that they may have to share some of their GOOD food with their kids!

  16. 11:29 AM the WCBOE feeds those thugs 3 meals a day and that is a fact so it is only weekends that grandmomma thug has to feed them.

  17. Anonymous said...
    I completely agree!

    September 19, 2014 at 6:19 PM

    About what? Please make reference to what you are talking about.

  18. This is way to funny - But, Here is the deal -

    Joe, Per your comment you don't mind feeding a HUNGRY child - I will agree with you but, When you have these children expect it - That is a way different story!!
    Let's clarify this - This free and reduce lunch program is a joke!
    I am a married woman and my husband and I both work, we make too much money so we don't get free or reduced and if we weren't married we would be eligible! Cause Mom and Dad can live right across the street from each other and their children will get on that program cause they r not married and Daddy can be the postmaster at the post office and making great money but, the child(ren) live with mommy and she doesn't work and has no money, so they are qualified for that program!! It is so wrong!! Also when I look down at a child's feet and he has on 80-120.00 sneakers on but he gets a free lunch, breakfast and now some schools are having dinner for the kids!! So, I have to ask -WHERE IS PARENT RESPONSIBILITY???? I agree with the above - IF YOU CAN'T FEED THEM - DON'T BREED THEM!! Cause really, I'm tired of paying for your kids!!! We have a home (we own) and we have vehicles that are paid for and we are a FAMILY!!! SO instead of having ten kids by your different baby daddy's - Go make a life for your self instead of the rest of us! Feed your kids before they go to school!!! If they don't like what is for lunch - Pack them one!! Also, If you all saw the garbage cans - You all would s@#% yourselves!!! You would not believe the FOOD untouched thrown away!! Also I work at the schools - So I know this for a FACT!!! We served over TWO hundred kids just for breakfast!! That doesn't include lunch!!


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