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Monday, September 29, 2014

What if All the Illegal Aliens Left the U.S.?

There are an estimated 20 million illegals living here in the U.S. This is a fact that we are going to have to live with for some time to come. But what if the illegals all left and went back across the border?

Here are some statistics for you:
In the original 2012 post by someone named Tommy Ester, the following statistics were revealed:

In California, there are an estimated 3.5 million illegal aliens. If they were all to leave, it would leave an extra $10.2 billion to spend on overloaded school systems, bankrupt hospitals and overrun prisons.

In Colorado, 500,000 illegal migrants, plus their 300,000 kids and grand children would move back across the border. That would save Colorado an estimated $2 to $7 billion annually in taxes that pay for schooling, medical, social-services and incarceration costs. 12,000 gang members would vanish out of Denver alone. Colorado would save more than $20 million in prison costs, and the terror that those 7,300 alien criminals set upon local citizens.



  1. From the article:
    "So much of the wages that are earned by the illegals are not reported to the IRS. No taxes collected. It’s estimated that this would increase the Taxes collected by $401 billion dollars."

    I'm against illegals being in the country but that $401 billion number is total BS. Assuming all 20 million illegals were working that would mean the government would have to collect $20,000 per year per person to equal $401 billion.

    It galls me when articles use misleading statistics to try to make their case when the truth would do.

    Liberals and Conservatives are equally guilty of this type of BS propaganda.

  2. The best thing is that Obama would have to leave and save the taxpayers of America billions!

  3. Are'nt there machines that pick everything now?

  4. But they can't leave until after the election.


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