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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

We’ll Take Free Speech, Thank You

Senate Democrats are on the precipice of voting to repeal the First Amendment.

That extraordinary fact is a result of the increasingly authoritarian efforts of Democrats, notably Senate majority leader Harry Reid of Nevada, to suppress criticism of themselves and the government, and to suffocate any political discourse that they cannot control.

The Supreme Court in recent years has twice struck down Democratic efforts to legally suppress inconvenient speech, citing the free-speech protections of the First Amendment in both cases. Senator Reid’s solution is to nullify the first item on the Bill of Rights.

The Democrats are not calling this a repeal of the First Amendment, though that is precisely what it is. Instead, they are describing the proposed constitutional amendment as a campaign-finance measure. But it would invest Congress with blanket authority to censor newspapers and television reports, ban books and films, and imprison people for expressing their opinions. So long as two criteria are met — the spending of money and intending to influence an election — the First Amendment would no longer apply.



  1. Dems Never want the truth to get out. They will do anything to limit free speech. If people knew the truth about the dems, they would never vote for them again.

  2. Thomas Jefferson would have personally taken them outside by the scruff of their neck and stretched it another 3 inches.
    Who in the hell do they think they are?
    Remember -- these are the SAME PEOPLE who SWORE on a Bible to uphold and defend the Constitution!! They are also the ones you dumb, non-thinking sheep keep cheering and re-electing.
    IMPRISON citizens for criticizing the government??!
    Go on. Keep cheering.


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