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Friday, September 05, 2014

Unions Are Not Capitalism

Labor unions are a dying breed. According to [11] the Pew Research Center, union membership in America “is at its lowest level since the Great Depression.” In 1983, there were approximately 17.7 million union workers. Today, that number stands at 14.5 million, with every estimate showing a continued downward trajectory. Clearly, the Norma Raes of the world are going extinct.

But as Samuel Johnson quipped, one should never dismiss the triumph of hope over experience. In celebration of Labor Day, the leftie rag New Republic recently published an interview with labor strategist Rich Yeselson defending the role of unions in the U.S. As a labor organizer, Yeselson’s bias is on full display. Instead of giving an objective view of stagnating union membership, he obfuscates to boost his own profession.



  1. Unions are puke. Anti-American and communist.

  2. who actually believes the NEA is "for the children"?

  3. Unions simply foster lazy arse democrat bring everyone down blood suckers. Other than that, guess their OK.


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