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Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Unemployed More Likely to Go Shopping on Average Day Than Look for Job

On the average day, an unemployed American is more likely to be shopping than to be looking for a new job

On the average day, an unemployed American is more likely to be shopping—for things other than groceries and gas—than to be looking for a new job, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Only 18.9 percent of Americans who were unemployed (in surveys conducted from 2009 through 2013) spent time in job search and interviewing activities on an average day, according to BLS. Yet 40.8 percent of the unemployed did some kind of shopping on the average day–either in a store, by telephone, or on the Internet. 22.5 percent of the unemployed, according to BLS, were shopping for items other than groceries, food and gas.


1 comment:

  1. I guess Ray Rice and his wife are shopping then,I hope they dont buy boxing gloves .


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