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Monday, September 22, 2014

This Family Always Knew There Was A Metal Door In Their Backyard. Well, They Finally Opened It…

A Wisconsin family who had been living in their home for over a decade, knew the whole time that there was a hidden metal door in the ground in the backyard, but somehow were never tempted to open it and see what was inside or where it led to. Until one day, after all these years, they decided to crack open the metal hatch and discover the mystery behind the door.

The Zwick family were stunned to find out that this was the entrance to a Cold War-era fallout shelter buried right there, in their backyard. A ladder led them down into a bunker, which was a treasure trove, chock full of interesting items from the past.



  1. The Others! (You can look it up)

  2. A little odd don't you think? 10 years and God knows what is in there but you don't look. Could have been closure for a lot of people, or full of money.


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