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Thursday, September 04, 2014

The U.S. Has Lost Track of 6,000 Foreign Nationals That Are a "Heightened Concern"

Over 6,000 foreign nationals have “vanished” in the United States after entering under student visa programs — that’s the conclusion of a new report that is raising concerns about security and terrorism.

According to ABC News, around 58,000 international students overstayed their American visa in the past year. Of those, 6,000 are seen as a “heightened concern” by Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Officials are trying to follow up on those six thousand and determine their whereabouts, but have had very little success.

“My greatest concern is that they could be doing anything,” Peter Edge, deputy associate director for Homeland Security Investigations, told ABC News. “Some of them could be here to do us harm.”



  1. look the writings on the wall flood of illegal immigrants shiped to every major city...the lack of sealing the border ...lack..immigration laws... and now this ?leads me to believe ...that now cells in every major US city and world wide are preparing for major event on US soil...where are you going to be 9 11 next week? The problem is our leaders have assisted in facilitating this...ask yourself is the 33rd degree club in bed with radical islam?

  2. This can't be. Obama says our borders are secure. However, Obama is a proven liar.

  3. I'm staying home on 9/11.

    1. Stay away from large crowded areas just common sense these days..(

  4. GREAT NEWS the money we are saving from protecting the u.s. from all the criminal illegals that will sooner or later be identified as ISIS fighters and behead and hang us from bridges once they have the numbers to battle is being spent on saving a useless sex offenders registry that is being torn apart across the u.s. in courts at a major price of court battles.

  5. Too bad we can still locate the worst one!


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