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Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The “State Sponsors” of ISIS, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey: Why are they No Subject to Sanctions?

As the US and Europe prepare another round of sanctions against Russia over the ongoing Ukrainian conflict, the third round of such sanctions since the conflict began shortly after the Euromaidan unrest resulted in the installation of a NATO-backed regime in Kiev, a curious and inexplicable oversight appears to have been made.

While wild accusations have been leveled against Russia over its involvement over the violence in Ukraine, claims ranging from covert support up to and including unsubstantiated claims of a “full scale invasion,” prominent media organizations across the Western World have for years reported a flow of cash, weapons, equipment and fighters from America’s allies in the Persian Gulf as well as from nations like NATO member Turkey, and into the conflict raging within Syria’s borders.

While baseless claims leveled against Russia have served as ample justification for the West to continue leveling sanctions against Moscow, no sanctions have as of yet been leveled against the overt sponsors of militancy and, in fact, terrorism in Syria. So widespread has state-sponsored terrorism become in the Middle East that what began as a limited proxy war against Syria has transformed into an immense regional army with tens of thousands of paid soldiers requiring millions of dollars a day to operate across multiple borders and confounding the forces of Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon combined.



  1. Duh... its part of the plan..gotta have a boogey man somewhere..remember they are deceiveing ..creating division and fear..re educating ...weaking ..imposing fiscal slavery..demeaning God...morality responsibity.and .loyality to this country questioned...why ask when you know the answer. MONEY + POWER =EVIL

  2. Best question of the Decade.


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