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Monday, September 29, 2014

The Real Story About What Ended the Great Depression (Hint: It Wasn’t the New Deal)

My seventh-grade son recently wrote a U.S. History paper extolling the virtues of President Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal. “It ended the Great Depression,” he wrote with great certainty. He’s only 12 and parroting what the history texts and his teachers told him.

That’s his excuse. What’s Ken Burns’?

Mr. Burns’ docudrama on the Roosevelts—for those who weren’t bored to tears—repeats nearly all the worn-out fairy tales of the FDR presidency, including what I call the most enduring myth of the 20th century, which is that FDR’s avalanche of alphabet-soup government programs ended the Great Depression. Shouldn’t there be a statute of limitations on such lies?

Ask nearly anyone over the age of 80, and they will say that FDR cared about the working man and “gave the country hope,” a point that Mr. Burns emphasizes. Roosevelt exuded empathy, which isn’t a bad thing—remember Bill Clinton’s memorable line “I feel your pain”?—but caring doesn’t create jobs or lift gross domestic product.



  1. Yea, for the hundredth time I'll give the solution to the American economy in the tank. It's soooooooo hard to figure out that everyone will get it with the answer to one question? Can YOU spend more money than YOU earn/take in? Answer: NO. Well neither can the federal government who has saddled so many future generations with debt that can never be repaid, an entrenched welfare mass of human beings, generation after generation, lazy and dependant upon money from that government, just to stay alive, a bloated self promoting, never ending war machine killing/sacrificing young Americans for slaughter on foreign soil, yet those same war promoting politicians, do NOT send their own children, only YOURS. In ending my and your available spending money must and cannot be more than we take in, especially if we want to save some of it for a rainy day and feel safe for our futures, neither can those supposedly representing the U.S. government of the United States of America. Lousy business climate, over taxation, over regulation of businesses drive them overseas = NO jobs/NO incomes. Solution? Stop imports, deregulate for business sake, lower taxes, surcharge imports until Americans STOP buying CRAP from foreign makers and last but not least, at the polls FIRE every foreign traitor from his current job, that works tirelessly against the American worker who wants to work, not be a sponge on his or her country. We call them Politicians, the Most corrupt enemies in society today. Entrenched thieves that deserve the same burden that have wrought on others. Strip them of their ill gotten gains and place them in the chains they so richly deserve.

  2. Here!here! ...The yeas have it...

  3. Bush started it and Obama ended it. Duh.


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