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Tuesday, September 09, 2014

The "Hot-Crazy Matrix"

Earlier this week someone sent me one of the best YouTube videos I have ever seen. I realize that’s a strong statement given all the goodness YouTube has to offer, but trust me on this one.

This video is not only laugh-out-loud funny, it’s also informative. The clip I’m talking about features an instructor explaining the “Hot-Crazy Matrix” for dating women.

You would be correct in assuming that I don’t have any experience dating women (much to the dismay of this website’s founding editor), but I am a woman, and so I would like to offer my insight on said matrix.

If you’re too lazy or don’t have time to watch the video (it is seven minutes long) then I’ll give you a quick summary: The lesson is all about determining how much crazy a man should tolerate in a relationship, and how this threshold should be based on how hot the woman is. As a woman, I have absolutely no problem with this line of thinking.

Why, you might ask? Because everything in life is about trade-offs and relationships are not immune from such pragmatism.


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