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Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Student Homelessness Hits Another Record High

A growing number of students don't have homes to return to once classes are out.

Approximately 1.3 million students enrolled in U.S. public preschools, elementary schools, middle schools and high schools schools were homeless during the 2012-13 school year.

That's up 8% from the prior year, and the highest number on record, according to the National Center for Homeless Education, funded by the Department of Education.

A lack of affordable housing is a big reason, forcing many families to live in the streets, shelters, motels or to double up with other families, said Jeremy Rosen, director of advocacy at the National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty.

"This problem continues to get worse because in terms of government programs and support for homelessness, budgets have been cut in recent years, and there's less affordable housing available," said Rosen.



  1. The only reason they go to school is for the free breakfast and lunch . Most are 25-35 years of age and repeating school again.
    It works people .

  2. "A growing number of students don't have homes to return to once classes are out..."

    Huh? When they got to school they had to come from somewhere. Wasn't that their home?

  3. Living with a relative in a very nice home should not be considered homeless.


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